The Sixth Book.

                         CHAPTER XVIII.

           Seventeenth Year of the War - The Sicilian

                Campaign - Affair of the Hermae -

                   Departure of the Expedition

  THE same winter the Athenians resolved to sail again to Sicily, with

a greater armament than that under Laches and Eurymedon, and, if

possible, to conquer the island; most of them being ignorant of its

size and of the number of its inhabitants, Hellenic and barbarian, and

of the fact that they were undertaking a war not much inferior to that

against the Peloponnesians. For the voyage round Sicily in a

merchantman is not far short of eight days; and yet, large as the

island is, there are only two miles of sea to prevent its being


  It was settled originally as follows, and the peoples that

occupied it are these. The earliest inhabitants spoken of in any

part of the country are the Cyclopes and Laestrygones; but I cannot

tell of what race they were, or whence they came or whither they went,

and must leave my readers to what the poets have said of them and to

what may be generally known concerning them. The Sicanians appear to

have been the next settlers, although they pretend to have been the

first of all and aborigines; but the facts show that they were

Iberians, driven by the Ligurians from the river Sicanus in Iberia. It

was from them that the island, before called Trinacria, took its

name of Sicania, and to the present day they inhabit the west of

Sicily. On the fall of Ilium, some of the Trojans escaped from the

Achaeans, came in ships to Sicily, and settled next to the Sicanians

under the general name of Elymi; their towns being called Eryx and

Egesta. With them settled some of the Phocians carried on their way

from Troy by a storm, first to Libya, and afterwards from thence to

Sicily. The Sicels crossed over to Sicily from their first home Italy,

flying from the Opicans, as tradition says and as seems not

unlikely, upon rafts, having watched till the wind set down the strait

to effect the passage; although perhaps they may have sailed over in

some other way. Even at the present day there are still Sicels in

Italy; and the country got its name of Italy from Italus, a king of

the Sicels, so called. These went with a great host to Sicily,

defeated the Sicanians in battle and forced them to remove to the

south and west of the island, which thus came to be called Sicily

instead of Sicania, and after they crossed over continued to enjoy the

richest parts of the country for near three hundred years before any

Hellenes came to Sicily; indeed they still hold the centre and north

of the island. There were also Phoenicians living all round Sicily,

who had occupied promontories upon the sea coasts and the islets

adjacent for the purpose of trading with the Sicels. But when the

Hellenes began to arrive in considerable numbers by sea, the

Phoenicians abandoned most of their stations, and drawing together

took up their abode in Motye, Soloeis, and Panormus, near the Elymi,

partly because they confided in their alliance, and also because these

are the nearest points for the voyage between Carthage and Sicily.

  These were the barbarians in Sicily, settled as I have said. Of

the Hellenes, the first to arrive were Chalcidians from Euboea with

Thucles, their founder. They founded Naxos and built the altar to

Apollo Archegetes, which now stands outside the town, and upon which

the deputies for the games sacrifice before sailing from Sicily.

Syracuse was founded the year afterwards by Archias, one of the

Heraclids from Corinth, who began by driving out the Sicels from the

island upon which the inner city now stands, though it is no longer

surrounded by water: in process of time the outer town also was

taken within the walls and became populous. Meanwhile Thucles and

the Chalcidians set out from Naxos in the fifth year after the

foundation of Syracuse, and drove out the Sicels by arms and founded

Leontini and afterwards Catana; the Catanians themselves choosing

Evarchus as their founder.

  About the same time Lamis arrived in Sicily with a colony from

Megara, and after founding a place called Trotilus beyond the river

Pantacyas, and afterwards leaving it and for a short while joining the

Chalcidians at Leontini, was driven out by them and founded Thapsus.

After his death his companions were driven out of Thapsus, and founded

a place called the Hyblaean Megara; Hyblon, a Sicel king, having given

up the place and inviting them thither. Here they lived two hundred

and forty-five years; after which they were expelled from the city and

the country by the Syracusan tyrant Gelo. Before their expulsion,

however, a hundred years after they had settled there, they sent out

Pamillus and founded Selinus; he having come from their mother country

Megara to join them in its foundation. Gela was founded by

Antiphemus from Rhodes and Entimus from Crete, who joined in leading a

colony thither, in the forty-fifth year after the foundation of

Syracuse. The town took its name from the river Gelas, the place where

the citadel now stands, and which was first fortified, being called

Lindii. The institutions which they adopted were Dorian. Near one

hundred and eight years after the foundation of Gela, the Geloans

founded Acragas (Agrigentum), so called from the river of that name,

and made Aristonous and Pystilus their founders; giving their own

institutions to the colony. Zancle was originally founded by pirates

from Cuma, the Chalcidian town in the country of the Opicans:

afterwards, however, large numbers came from Chalcis and the rest of

Euboea, and helped to people the place; the founders being Perieres

and Crataemenes from Cuma and Chalcis respectively. It first had the

name of Zancle given it by the Sicels, because the place is shaped

like a sickle, which the Sicels call zanclon; but upon the original

settlers being afterwards expelled by some Samians and other Ionians

who landed in Sicily flying from the Medes, and the Samians in their

turn not long afterwards by Anaxilas, tyrant of Rhegium, the town

was by him colonized with a mixed population, and its name changed

to Messina, after his old country.

  Himera was founded from Zancle by Euclides, Simus, and Sacon, most

of those who went to the colony being Chalcidians; though they were

joined by some exiles from Syracuse, defeated in a civil war, called

the Myletidae. The language was a mixture of Chalcidian and Doric, but

the institutions which prevailed were the Chalcidian. Acrae and

Casmenae were founded by the Syracusans; Acrae seventy years after

Syracuse, Casmenae nearly twenty after Acrae. Camarina was first

founded by the Syracusans, close upon a hundred and thirty-five

years after the building of Syracuse; its founders being Daxon and

Menecolus. But the Camarinaeans being expelled by arms by the

Syracusans for having revolted, Hippocrates, tyrant of Gela, some time

later receiving their land in ransom for some Syracusan prisoners,

resettled Camarina, himself acting as its founder. Lastly, it was

again depopulated by Gelo, and settled once more for the third time by

the Geloans.

  Such is the list of the peoples, Hellenic and barbarian,

inhabiting Sicily, and such the magnitude of the island which the

Athenians were now bent upon invading; being ambitious in real truth

of conquering the whole, although they had also the specious design of

succouring their kindred and other allies in the island. But they were

especially incited by envoys from Egesta, who had come to Athens and

invoked their aid more urgently than ever. The Egestaeans had gone

to war with their neighbours the Selinuntines upon questions of

marriage and disputed territory, and the Selinuntines had procured the

alliance of the Syracusans, and pressed Egesta hard by land and sea.

The Egestaeans now reminded the Athenians of the alliance made in

the time of Laches, during the former Leontine war, and begged them to

send a fleet to their aid, and among a number of other

considerations urged as a capital argument that if the Syracusans were

allowed to go unpunished for their depopulation of Leontini, to ruin

the allies still left to Athens in Sicily, and to get the whole

power of the island into their hands, there would be a danger of their

one day coming with a large force, as Dorians, to the aid of their

Dorian brethren, and as colonists, to the aid of the Peloponnesians

who had sent them out, and joining these in pulling down the

Athenian empire. The Athenians would, therefore, do well to unite with

the allies still left to them, and to make a stand against the

Syracusans; especially as they, the Egestaeans, were prepared to

furnish money sufficient for the war. The Athenians, hearing these

arguments constantly repeated in their assemblies by the Egestaeans

and their supporters, voted first to send envoys to Egesta, to see

if there was really the money that they talked of in the treasury

and temples, and at the same time to ascertain in what posture was the

war with the Selinuntines.

  The envoys of the Athenians were accordingly dispatched to Sicily.

The same winter the Lacedaemonians and their allies, the Corinthians

excepted, marched into the Argive territory, and ravaged a small

part of the land, and took some yokes of oxen and carried off some

corn. They also settled the Argive exiles at Orneae, and left them a

few soldiers taken from the rest of the army; and after making a truce

for a certain while, according to which neither Orneatae nor Argives

were to injure each other's territory, returned home with the army.

Not long afterwards the Athenians came with thirty ships and six

hundred heavy infantry, and the Argives joining them with all their

forces, marched out and besieged the men in Orneae for one day; but

the garrison escaped by night, the besiegers having bivouacked some

way off. The next day the Argives, discovering it, razed Orneae to the

ground, and went back again; after which the Athenians went home in

their ships. Meanwhile the Athenians took by sea to Methone on the

Macedonian border some cavalry of their own and the Macedonian

exiles that were at Athens, and plundered the country of Perdiccas.

Upon this the Lacedaemonians sent to the Thracian Chalcidians, who had

a truce with Athens from one ten days to another, urging them to

join Perdiccas in the war, which they refused to do. And the winter

ended, and with it ended the sixteenth year of this war of which

Thucydides is the historian.

  Early in the spring of the following summer the Athenian envoys

arrived from Sicily, and the Egestaeans with them, bringing sixty

talents of uncoined silver, as a month's pay for sixty ships, which

they were to ask to have sent them. The Athenians held an assembly

and, after hearing from the Egestaeans and their own envoys a

report, as attractive as it was untrue, upon the state of affairs

generally, and in particular as to the money, of which, it was said,

there was abundance in the temples and the treasury, voted to send

sixty ships to Sicily, under the command of Alcibiades, son of

Clinias, Nicias, son of Niceratus, and Lamachus, son of Xenophanes,

who were appointed with full powers; they were to help the

Egestaeans against the Selinuntines, to restore Leontini upon

gaining any advantage in the war, and to order all other matters in

Sicily as they should deem best for the interests of Athens. Five days

after this a second assembly was held, to consider the speediest means

of equipping the ships, and to vote whatever else might be required by

the generals for the expedition; and Nicias, who had been chosen to

the command against his will, and who thought that the state was not

well advised, but upon a slight aid specious pretext was aspiring to

the conquest of the whole of Sicily, a great matter to achieve, came

forward in the hope of diverting the Athenians from the enterprise,

and gave them the following counsel:

  "Although this assembly was convened to consider the preparations to

be made for sailing to Sicily, I think, notwithstanding, that we

have still this question to examine, whether it be better to send

out the ships at all, and that we ought not to give so little

consideration to a matter of such moment, or let ourselves be

persuaded by foreigners into undertaking a war with which we have

nothing to do. And yet, individually, I gain in honour by such a

course, and fear as little as other men for my person- not that I

think a man need be any the worse citizen for taking some thought for

his person and estate; on the contrary, such a man would for his own

sake desire the prosperity of his country more than others-

nevertheless, as I have never spoken against my convictions to gain

honour, I shall not begin to do so now, but shall say what I

think best. Against your character any words of mine would be weak

enough, if I were to advise your keeping what you have got and not

risking what is actually yours for advantages which are dubious in

themselves, and which you may or may not attain. I will, therefore,

content myself with showing that your ardour is out of season, and

your ambition not easy of accomplishment.

  "I affirm, then, that you leave many enemies behind you here to go

yonder and bring more back with you. You imagine, perhaps, that the

treaty which you have made can be trusted; a treaty that will continue

to exist nominally, as long as you keep quiet- for nominal it has

become, owing to the practices of certain men here and at Sparta- but

which in the event of a serious reverse in any quarter would not delay

our enemies a moment in attacking us; first, because the convention

was forced upon them by disaster and was less honourable to them

than to us; and secondly, because in this very convention there are

many points that are still disputed. Again, some of the most

powerful states have never yet accepted the arrangement at all. Some

of these are at open war with us; others (as the Lacedaemonians do not

yet move) are restrained by truces renewed every ten days, and it is

only too probable that if they found our power divided, as we are

hurrying to divide it, they would attack us vigorously with the

Siceliots, whose alliance they would have in the past valued as they

would that of few others. A man ought, therefore, to consider these

points, and not to think of running risks with a country placed so

critically, or of grasping at another empire before we have secured

the one we have already; for in fact the Thracian Chalcidians have

been all these years in revolt from us without being yet subdued,

and others on the continents yield us but a doubtful obedience.

Meanwhile the Egestaeans, our allies, have been wronged, and we run to

help them, while the rebels who have so long wronged us still wait for


  "And yet the latter, if brought under, might be kept under; while

the Sicilians, even if conquered, are too far off and too numerous

to be ruled without difficulty. Now it is folly to go against men

who could not be kept under even if conquered, while failure would

leave us in a very different position from that which we occupied

before the enterprise. The Siceliots, again, to take them as they

are at present, in the event of a Syracusan conquest (the favourite

bugbear of the Egestaeans), would to my thinking be even less

dangerous to us than before. At present they might possibly come

here as separate states for love of Lacedaemon; in the other case

one empire would scarcely attack another; for after joining the

Peloponnesians to overthrow ours, they could only expect to see the

same hands overthrow their own in the same way. The Hellenes in Sicily

would fear us most if we never went there at all, and next to this, if

after displaying our power we went away again as soon as possible.

We all know that that which is farthest off, and the reputation of

which can least be tested, is the object of admiration; at the least

reverse they would at once begin to look down upon us, and would

join our enemies here against us. You have yourselves experienced this

with regard to the Lacedaemonians and their allies, whom your

unexpected success, as compared with what you feared at first, has

made you suddenly despise, tempting you further to aspire to the

conquest of Sicily. Instead, however, of being puffed up by the

misfortunes of your adversaries, you ought to think of breaking

their spirit before giving yourselves up to confidence, and to

understand that the one thought awakened in the Lacedaemonians by

their disgrace is how they may even now, if possible, overthrow us and

repair their dishonour; inasmuch as military reputation is their

oldest and chiefest study. Our struggle, therefore, if we are wise,

will not be for the barbarian Egestaeans in Sicily, but how to

defend ourselves most effectually against the oligarchical

machinations of Lacedaemon.

  "We should also remember that we are but now enjoying some respite

from a great pestilence and from war, to the no small benefit of our

estates and persons, and that it is right to employ these at home on

our own behalf, instead of using them on behalf of these exiles

whose interest it is to lie as fairly as they can, who do nothing

but talk themselves and leave the danger to others, and who if they

succeed will show no proper gratitude, and if they fail will drag down

their friends with them. And if there be any man here, overjoyed at

being chosen to command, who urges you to make the expedition,

merely for ends of his own- specially if he be still too young to

command- who seeks to be admired for his stud of horses, but on

account of its heavy expenses hopes for some profit from his

appointment, do not allow such a one to maintain his private splendour

at his country's risk, but remember that such persons injure the

public fortune while they squander their own, and that this is a

matter of importance, and not for a young man to decide or hastily to

take in hand.

  "When I see such persons now sitting here at the side of that same

individual and summoned by him, alarm seizes me; and I, in my turn,

summon any of the older men that may have such a person sitting next

him not to let himself be shamed down, for fear of being thought a

coward if he do not vote for war, but, remembering how rarely

success is got by wishing and how often by forecast, to leave to

them the mad dream of conquest, and as a true lover of his country,

now threatened by the greatest danger in its history, to hold up his

hand on the other side; to vote that the Siceliots be left in the

limits now existing between us, limits of which no one can complain

(the Ionian sea for the coasting voyage, and the Sicilian across the

open main), to enjoy their own possessions and to settle their own

quarrels; that the Egestaeans, for their part, be told to end by

themselves with the Selinuntines the war which they began without

consulting the Athenians; and that for the future we do not enter into

alliance, as we have been used to do, with people whom we must help in

their need, and who can never help us in ours.

  "And you, Prytanis, if you think it your duty to care for the

commonwealth, and if you wish to show yourself a good citizen, put the

question to the vote, and take a second time the opinions of the

Athenians. If you are afraid to move the question again, consider that

a violation of the law cannot carry any prejudice with so many

abettors, that you will be the physician of your misguided city, and

that the virtue of men in office is briefly this, to do their

country as much good as they can, or in any case no harm that they can


  Such were the words of Nicias. Most of the Athenians that came

forward spoke in favour of the expedition, and of not annulling what

had been voted, although some spoke on the other side. By far the

warmest advocate of the expedition was, however, Alcibiades, son of

Clinias, who wished to thwart Nicias both as his political opponent

and also because of the attack he had made upon him in his speech, and

who was, besides, exceedingly ambitious of a command by which he hoped

to reduce Sicily and Carthage, and personally to gain in wealth and

reputation by means of his successes. For the position he held among

the citizens led him to indulge his tastes beyond what his real

means would bear, both in keeping horses and in the rest of his

expenditure; and this later on had not a little to do with the ruin of

the Athenian state. Alarmed at the greatness of his licence in his own

life and habits, and of the ambition which he showed in all things

soever that he undertook, the mass of the people set him down as a

pretender to the tyranny, and became his enemies; and although

publicly his conduct of the war was as good as could be desired,

individually, his habits gave offence to every one, and caused them to

commit affairs to other hands, and thus before long to ruin the

city. Meanwhile he now came forward and gave the following advice to

the Athenians:

  "Athenians, I have a better right to command than others- I must

begin with this as Nicias has attacked me- and at the same time I

believe myself to be worthy of it. The things for which I am abused,

bring fame to my ancestors and to myself, and to the country profit

besides. The Hellenes, after expecting to see our city ruined by the

war, concluded it to be even greater than it really is, by reason of

the magnificence with which I represented it at the Olympic games,

when I sent into the lists seven chariots, a number never before

entered by any private person, and won the first prize, and was second

and fourth, and took care to have everything else in a style worthy of

my victory. Custom regards such displays as honourable, and they

cannot be made without leaving behind them an impression of power.

Again, any splendour that I may have exhibited at home in providing

choruses or otherwise, is naturally envied by my fellow citizens,

but in the eyes of foreigners has an air of strength as in the other

instance. And this is no useless folly, when a man at his own

private cost benefits not himself only, but his city: nor is it unfair

that he who prides himself on his position should refuse to be upon an

equality with the rest. He who is badly off has his misfortunes all to

himself, and as we do not see men courted in adversity, on the like

principle a man ought to accept the insolence of prosperity; or

else, let him first mete out equal measure to all, and then demand

to have it meted out to him. What I know is that persons of this

kind and all others that have attained to any distinction, although

they may be unpopular in their lifetime in their relations with

their fellow-men and especially with their equals, leave to

posterity the desire of claiming connection with them even without any

ground, and are vaunted by the country to which they belonged, not

as strangers or ill-doers, but as fellow-countrymen and heroes. Such

are my aspirations, and however I am abused for them in private, the

question is whether any one manages public affairs better than I do.

Having united the most powerful states of Peloponnese, without great

danger or expense to you, I compelled the Lacedaemonians to stake

their all upon the issue of a single day at Mantinea; and although

victorious in the battle, they have never since fully recovered


  "Thus did my youth and so-called monstrous folly find fitting

arguments to deal with the power of the Peloponnesians, and by its

ardour win their confidence and prevail. And do not be afraid of my

youth now, but while I am still in its flower, and Nicias appears

fortunate, avail yourselves to the utmost of the services of us

both. Neither rescind your resolution to sail to Sicily, on the ground

that you would be going to attack a great power. The cities in

Sicily are peopled by motley rabbles, and easily change their

institutions and adopt new ones in their stead; and consequently the

inhabitants, being without any feeling of patriotism, are not provided

with arms for their persons, and have not regularly established

themselves on the land; every man thinks that either by fair words

or by party strife he can obtain something at the public expense,

and then in the event of a catastrophe settle in some other country,

and makes his preparations accordingly. From a mob like this you

need not look for either unanimity in counsel or concert in action;

but they will probably one by one come in as they get a fair offer,

especially if they are torn by civil strife as we are told.

Moreover, the Siceliots have not so many heavy infantry as they boast;

just as the Hellenes generally did not prove so numerous as each state

reckoned itself, but Hellas greatly over-estimated their numbers,

and has hardly had an adequate force of heavy infantry throughout this

war. The states in Sicily, therefore, from all that I can hear, will

be found as I say, and I have not pointed out all our advantages,

for we shall have the help of many barbarians, who from their hatred

of the Syracusans will join us in attacking them; nor will the

powers at home prove any hindrance, if you judge rightly. Our

fathers with these very adversaries, which it is said we shall now

leave behind us when we sail, and the Mede as their enemy as well,

were able to win the empire, depending solely on their superiority

at sea. The Peloponnesians had never so little hope against us as at

present; and let them be ever so sanguine, although strong enough to

invade our country even if we stay at home, they can never hurt us

with their navy, as we leave one of our own behind us that is a

match for them.

  "In this state of things what reason can we give to ourselves for

holding back, or what excuse can we offer to our allies in Sicily

for not helping them? They are our confederates, and we are bound to

assist them, without objecting that they have not assisted us. We

did not take them into alliance to have them to help us in Hellas, but

that they might so annoy our enemies in Sicily as to prevent them from

coming over here and attacking us. It is thus that empire has been

won, both by us and by all others that have held it, by a constant

readiness to support all, whether barbarians or Hellenes, that

invite assistance; since if all were to keep quiet or to pick and

choose whom they ought to assist, we should make but few new

conquests, and should imperil those we have already won. Men do not

rest content with parrying the attacks of a superior, but often strike

the first blow to prevent the attack being made. And we cannot fix the

exact point at which our empire shall stop; we have reached a position

in which we must not be content with retaining but must scheme to

extend it, for, if we cease to rule others, we are in danger of

being ruled ourselves. Nor can you look at inaction from the same

point of view as others, unless you are prepared to change your habits

and make them like theirs.

  "Be convinced, then, that we shall augment our power at home by this

adventure abroad, and let us make the expedition, and so humble the

pride of the Peloponnesians by sailing off to Sicily, and letting them

see how little we care for the peace that we are now enjoying; and

at the same time we shall either become masters, as we very easily

may, of the whole of Hellas through the accession of the Sicilian

Hellenes, or in any case ruin the Syracusans, to the no small

advantage of ourselves and our allies. The faculty of staying if

successful, or of returning, will be secured to us by our navy, as

we shall be superior at sea to all the Siceliots put together. And

do not let the do-nothing policy which Nicias advocates, or his

setting of the young against the old, turn you from your purpose,

but in the good old fashion by which our fathers, old and young

together, by their united counsels brought our affairs to their

present height, do you endeavour still to advance them;

understanding that neither youth nor old age can do anything the one

without the other, but that levity, sobriety, and deliberate

judgment are strongest when united, and that, by sinking into

inaction, the city, like everything else, will wear itself out, and

its skill in everything decay; while each fresh struggle will give

it fresh experience, and make it more used to defend itself not in

word but in deed. In short, my conviction is that a city not

inactive by nature could not choose a quicker way to ruin itself

than by suddenly adopting such a policy, and that the safest rule of

life is to take one's character and institutions for better and for

worse, and to live up to them as closely as one can."

  Such were the words of Alcibiades. After hearing him and the

Egestaeans and some Leontine exiles, who came forward reminding them

of their oaths and imploring their assistance, the Athenians became

more eager for the expedition than before. Nicias, perceiving that

it would be now useless to try to deter them by the old line of

argument, but thinking that he might perhaps alter their resolution by

the extravagance of his estimates, came forward a second time and

spoke as follows:

  "I see, Athenians, that you are thoroughly bent upon the expedition,

and therefore hope that all will turn out as we wish, and proceed to

give you my opinion at the present juncture. From all that I hear we

are going against cities that are great and not subject to one

another, or in need of change, so as to be glad to pass from

enforced servitude to an easier condition, or in the least likely to

accept our rule in exchange for freedom; and, to take only the

Hellenic towns, they are very numerous for one island. Besides Naxos

and Catana, which I expect to join us from their connection with

Leontini, there are seven others armed at all points just like our own

power, particularly Selinus and Syracuse, the chief objects of our

expedition. These are full of heavy infantry, archers, and darters,

have galleys in abundance and crowds to man them; they have also

money, partly in the hands of private persons, partly in the temples

at Selinus, and at Syracuse first-fruits from some of the barbarians

as well. But their chief advantage over us lies in the number of their

horses, and in the fact that they grow their corn at home instead of

importing it.

  "Against a power of this kind it will not do to have merely a weak

naval armament, but we shall want also a large land army to sail

with us, if we are to do anything worthy of our ambition, and are

not to be shut out from the country by a numerous cavalry;

especially if the cities should take alarm and combine, and we

should be left without friends (except the Egestaeans) to furnish us

with horse to defend ourselves with. It would be disgraceful to have

to retire under compulsion, or to send back for reinforcements,

owing to want of reflection at first: we must therefore start from

home with a competent force, seeing that we are going to sail far from

our country, and upon an expedition not like any which you may

undertaken undertaken the quality of allies, among your subject states

here in Hellas, where any additional supplies needed were easily drawn

from the friendly territory; but we are cutting ourselves off, and

going to a land entirely strange, from which during four months in

winter it is not even easy for a messenger get to Athens.

  "I think, therefore, that we ought to take great numbers of heavy

infantry, both from Athens and from our allies, and not merely from

our subjects, but also any we may be able to get for love or for money

in Peloponnese, and great numbers also of archers and slingers, to

make head against the Sicilian horse. Meanwhile we must have an

overwhelming superiority at sea, to enable us the more easily to carry

in what we want; and we must take our own corn in merchant vessels,

that is to say, wheat and parched barley, and bakers from the mills

compelled to serve for pay in the proper proportion; in order that

in case of our being weather-bound the armament may not want

provisions, as it is not every city that will be able to entertain

numbers like ours. We must also provide ourselves with everything else

as far as we can, so as not to be dependent upon others; and above all

we must take with us from home as much money as possible, as the

sums talked of as ready at Egesta are readier, you may be sure, in

talk than in any other way.

  "Indeed, even if we leave Athens with a force not only equal to that

of the enemy except in the number of heavy infantry in the field,

but even at all points superior to him, we shall still find it

difficult to conquer Sicily or save ourselves. We must not disguise

from ourselves that we go to found a city among strangers and enemies,

and that he who undertakes such an enterprise should be prepared to

become master of the country the first day he lands, or failing in

this to find everything hostile to him. Fearing this, and knowing that

we shall have need of much good counsel and more good fortune- a hard

matter for mortal man to aspire to- I wish as far as may be to make

myself independent of fortune before sailing, and when I do sail, to

be as safe as a strong force can make me. This I believe to be

surest for the country at large, and safest for us who are to go on

the expedition. If any one thinks differently I resign to him my


  With this Nicias concluded, thinking that he should either disgust

the Athenians by the magnitude of the undertaking, or, if obliged to

sail on the expedition, would thus do so in the safest way possible.

The Athenians, however, far from having their taste for the voyage

taken away by the burdensomeness of the preparations, became more

eager for it than ever; and just the contrary took place of what

Nicias had thought, as it was held that he had given good advice,

and that the expedition would be the safest in the world. All alike

fell in love with the enterprise. The older men thought that they

would either subdue the places against which they were to sail, or

at all events, with so large a force, meet with no disaster; those

in the prime of life felt a longing for foreign sights and spectacles,

and had no doubt that they should come safe home again; while the idea

of the common people and the soldiery was to earn wages at the moment,

and make conquests that would supply a never-ending fund of pay for

the future. With this enthusiasm of the majority, the few that liked

it not, feared to appear unpatriotic by holding up their hands against

it, and so kept quiet.

  At last one of the Athenians came forward and called upon Nicias and

told him that he ought not to make excuses or put them off, but say at

once before them all what forces the Athenians should vote him. Upon

this he said, not without reluctance, that he would advise upon that

matter more at leisure with his colleagues; as far however as he could

see at present, they must sail with at least one hundred galleys- the

Athenians providing as many transports as they might determine, and

sending for others from the allies- not less than five thousand heavy

infantry in all, Athenian and allied, and if possible more; and the

rest of the armament in proportion; archers from home and from

Crete, and slingers, and whatever else might seem desirable, being got

ready by the generals and taken with them.

  Upon hearing this the Athenians at once voted that the generals

should have full powers in the matter of the numbers of the army and

of the expedition generally, to do as they judged best for the

interests of Athens. After this the preparations began; messages being

sent to the allies and the rolls drawn up at home. And as the city had

just recovered from the plague and the long war, and a number of young

men had grown up and capital had accumulated by reason of the truce,

everything was the more easily provided.

  In the midst of these preparations all the stone Hermae in the

city of Athens, that is to say the customary square figures, so common

in the doorways of private houses and temples, had in one night most

of them their fares mutilated. No one knew who had done it, but

large public rewards were offered to find the authors; and it was

further voted that any one who knew of any other act of impiety having

been committed should come and give information without fear of

consequences, whether he were citizen, alien, or slave. The matter was

taken up the more seriously, as it was thought to be ominous for the

expedition, and part of a conspiracy to bring about a revolution and

to upset the democracy.

  Information was given accordingly by some resident aliens and body

servants, not about the Hermae but about some previous mutilations

of other images perpetrated by young men in a drunken frolic, and of

mock celebrations of the mysteries, averred to take place in private

houses. Alcibiades being implicated in this charge, it was taken

hold of by those who could least endure him, because he stood in the

way of their obtaining the undisturbed direction of the people, and

who thought that if he were once removed the first place would be

theirs. These accordingly magnified the matter and loudly proclaimed

that the affair of the mysteries and the mutilation of the Hermae were

part and parcel of a scheme to overthrow the democracy, and that

nothing of all this had been done without Alcibiades; the proofs

alleged being the general and undemocratic licence of his life and


  Alcibiades repelled on the spot the charges in question, and also

before going on the expedition, the preparations for which were now

complete, offered to stand his trial, that it might be seen whether he

was guilty of the acts imputed to him; desiring to be punished if

found guilty, but, if acquitted, to take the command. Meanwhile he

protested against their receiving slanders against him in his absence,

and begged them rather to put him to death at once if he were

guilty, and pointed out the imprudence of sending him out at the

head of so large an army, with so serious a charge still undecided.

But his enemies feared that he would have the army for him if he

were tried immediately, and that the people might relent in favour

of the man whom they already caressed as the cause of the Argives

and some of the Mantineans joining in the expedition, and did their

utmost to get this proposition rejected, putting forward other orators

who said that he ought at present to sail and not delay the

departure of the army, and be tried on his return within a fixed

number of days; their plan being to have him sent for and brought home

for trial upon some graver charge, which they would the more easily

get up in his absence. Accordingly it was decreed that he should sail.

  After this the departure for Sicily took place, it being now about

midsummer. Most of the allies, with the corn transports and the

smaller craft and the rest of the expedition, had already received

orders to muster at Corcyra, to cross the Ionian Sea from thence in

a body to the Iapygian promontory. But the Athenians themselves, and

such of their allies as happened to be with them, went down to Piraeus

upon a day appointed at daybreak, and began to man the ships for

putting out to sea. With them also went down the whole population, one

may say, of the city, both citizens and foreigners; the inhabitants of

the country each escorting those that belonged to them, their friends,

their relatives, or their sons, with hope and lamentation upon their

way, as they thought of the conquests which they hoped to make, or

of the friends whom they might never see again, considering the long

voyage which they were going to make from their country. Indeed, at

this moment, when they were now upon the point of parting from one

another, the danger came more home to them than when they voted for

the expedition; although the strength of the armament, and the profuse

provision which they remarked in every department, was a sight that

could not but comfort them. As for the foreigners and the rest of

the crowd, they simply went to see a sight worth looking at and

passing all belief.

  Indeed this armament that first sailed out was by far the most

costly and splendid Hellenic force that had ever been sent out by a

single city up to that time. In mere number of ships and heavy

infantry that against Epidaurus under Pericles, and the same when

going against Potidaea under Hagnon, was not inferior; containing as

it did four thousand Athenian heavy infantry, three hundred horse, and

one hundred galleys accompanied by fifty Lesbian and Chian vessels and

many allies besides. But these were sent upon a short voyage and

with a scanty equipment. The present expedition was formed in

contemplation of a long term of service by land and sea alike, and was

furnished with ships and troops so as to be ready for either as

required. The fleet had been elaborately equipped at great cost to the

captains and the state; the treasury giving a drachma a day to each

seaman, and providing empty ships, sixty men-of-war and forty

transports, and manning these with the best crews obtainable; while

the captains gave a bounty in addition to the pay from the treasury to

the thranitae and crews generally, besides spending lavishly upon

figure-heads and equipments, and one and all making the utmost

exertions to enable their own ships to excel in beauty and fast

sailing. Meanwhile the land forces had been picked from the best

muster-rolls, and vied with each other in paying great attention to

their arms and personal accoutrements. From this resulted not only a

rivalry among themselves in their different departments, but an idea

among the rest of the Hellenes that it was more a display of power and

resources than an armament against an enemy. For if any one had

counted up the public expenditure of the state, and the private outlay

of individuals- that is to say, the sums which the state had already

spent upon the expedition and was sending out in the hands of the

generals, and those which individuals had expended upon their personal

outfit, or as captains of galleys had laid out and were still to lay

out upon their vessels; and if he had added to this the journey

money which each was likely to have provided himself with,

independently of the pay from the treasury, for a voyage of such

length, and what the soldiers or traders took with them for the

purpose of exchange- it would have been found that many talents in

all were being taken out of the city. Indeed the expedition became not

less famous for its wonderful boldness and for the splendour of its

appearance, than for its overwhelming strength as compared with the

peoples against whom it was directed, and for the fact that this was

the longest passage from home hitherto attempted, and the most

ambitious in its objects considering the resources of those who

undertook it.

  The ships being now manned, and everything put on board with which

they meant to sail, the trumpet commanded silence, and the prayers

customary before putting out to sea were offered, not in each ship

by itself, but by all together to the voice of a herald; and bowls

of wine were mixed through all the armament, and libations made by the

soldiers and their officers in gold and silver goblets. In their

prayers joined also the crowds on shore, the citizens and all others

that wished them well. The hymn sung and the libations finished,

they put out to sea, and first out in column then raced each other

as far as Aegina, and so hastened to reach Corcyra, where the rest

of the allied forces were also assembling.

                          CHAPTER XIX.

        Seventeenth Year of the War - Parties at Syracuse

             - Story of Harmodius and Aristogiton -

                     Disgrace of Alcibiades

  MEANWHILE at Syracuse news came in from many quarters of the

expedition, but for a long while met with no credence whatever.

Indeed, an assembly was held in which speeches, as will be seen,

were delivered by different orators, believing or contradicting the

report of the Athenian expedition; among whom Hermocrates, son of

Hermon, came forward, being persuaded that he knew the truth of the

matter, and gave the following counsel:

  "Although I shall perhaps be no better believed than others have

been when I speak upon the reality of the expedition, and although I

know that those who either make or repeat statements thought not

worthy of belief not only gain no converts but are thought fools for

their pains, I shall certainly not be frightened into holding my

tongue when the state is in danger, and when I am persuaded that I can

speak with more authority on the matter than other persons. Much as

you wonder at it, the Athenians nevertheless have set out against us

with a large force, naval and military, professedly to help the

Egestaeans and to restore Leontini, but really to conquer Sicily,

and above all our city, which once gained, the rest, they think,

will easily follow. Make up your minds, therefore, to see them

speedily here, and see how you can best repel them with the means

under your hand, and do be taken off your guard through despising

the news, or neglect the common weal through disbelieving it.

Meanwhile those who believe me need not be dismayed at the force or

daring of the enemy. They will not be able to do us more hurt than

we shall do them; nor is the greatness of their armament altogether

without advantage to us. Indeed, the greater it is the better, with

regard to the rest of the Siceliots, whom dismay will make more

ready to join us; and if we defeat or drive them away, disappointed of

the objects of their ambition (for I do not fear for a moment that

they will get what they want), it will be a most glorious exploit

for us, and in my judgment by no means an unlikely one. Few indeed

have been the large armaments, either Hellenic or barbarian, that have

gone far from home and been successful. They cannot be more numerous

than the people of the country and their neighbours, all of whom

fear leagues together; and if they miscarry for want of supplies in

a foreign land, to those against whom their plans were laid none the

less they leave renown, although they may themselves have been the

main cause of their own discomfort. Thus these very Athenians rose

by the defeat of the Mede, in a great measure due to accidental

causes, from the mere fact that Athens had been the object of his

attack; and this may very well be the case with us also.

  "Let us, therefore, confidently begin preparations here; let us send

and confirm some of the Sicels, and obtain the friendship and alliance

of others, and dispatch envoys to the rest of Sicily to show that

the danger is common to all, and to Italy to get them to become our

allies, or at all events to refuse to receive the Athenians. I also

think that it would be best to send to Carthage as well; they are by

no means there without apprehension, but it is their constant fear

that the Athenians may one day attack their city, and they may perhaps

think that they might themselves suffer by letting Sicily be

sacrificed, and be willing to help us secretly if not openly, in one

way if not in another. They are the best able to do so, if they

will, of any of the present day, as they possess most gold and silver,

by which war, like everything else, flourishes. Let us also send to

Lacedaemon and Corinth, and ask them to come here and help us as

soon as possible, and to keep alive the war in Hellas. But the true

thing of all others, in my opinion, to do at the present moment, is

what you, with your constitutional love of quiet, will be slow to see,

and what I must nevertheless mention. If we Siceliots, all together,

or at least as many as possible besides ourselves, would only launch

the whole of our actual navy with two months' provisions, and meet the

Athenians at Tarentum and the Iapygian promontory, and show them

that before fighting for Sicily they must first fight for their

passage across the Ionian Sea, we should strike dismay into their

army, and set them on thinking that we have a base for our

defensive- for Tarentum is ready to receive us- while they have a wide

sea to cross with all their armament, which could with difficulty keep

its order through so long a voyage, and would be easy for us to attack

as it came on slowly and in small detachments. On the other hand, if

they were to lighten their vessels, and draw together their fast

sailers and with these attack us, we could either fall upon them

when they were wearied with rowing, or if we did not choose to do

so, we could retire to Tarentum; while they, having crossed with few

provisions just to give battle, would be hard put to it in desolate

places, and would either have to remain and be blockaded, or to try to

sail along the coast, abandoning the rest of their armament, and being

further discouraged by not knowing for certain whether the cities

would receive them. In my opinion this consideration alone would be

sufficient to deter them from putting out from Corcyra; and what

with deliberating and reconnoitring our numbers and whereabouts,

they would let the season go on until winter was upon them, or,

confounded by so unexpected a circumstance, would break up the

expedition, especially as their most experienced general has, as I

hear, taken the command against his will, and would grasp at the first

excuse offered by any serious demonstration of ours. We should also be

reported, I am certain, as more numerous than we really are, and men's

minds are affected by what they hear, and besides the first to attack,

or to show that they mean to defend themselves against an attack,

inspire greater fear because men see that they are ready for the

emergency. This would just be the case with the Athenians at

present. They are now attacking us in the belief that we shall not

resist, having a right to judge us severely because we did not help

the Lacedaemonians in crushing them; but if they were to see us

showing a courage for which they are not prepared, they would be

more dismayed by the surprise than they could ever be by our actual

power. I could wish to persuade you to show this courage; but if

this cannot be, at all events lose not a moment in preparing generally

for the war; and remember all of you that contempt for an assailant is

best shown by bravery in action, but that for the present the best

course is to accept the preparations which fear inspires as giving the

surest promise of safety, and to act as if the danger was real. That

the Athenians are coming to attack us, and are already upon the

voyage, and all but here- this is what I am sure of."

  Thus far spoke Hermocrates. Meanwhile the people of Syracuse were at

great strife among themselves; some contending that the Athenians

had no idea of coming and that there was no truth in what he said;

some asking if they did come what harm they could do that would not be

repaid them tenfold in return; while others made light of the whole

affair and turned it into ridicule. In short, there were few that

believed Hermocrates and feared for the future. Meanwhile Athenagoras,

the leader of the people and very powerful at that time with the

masses, came forward and spoke as follows:

  "For the Athenians, he who does not wish that they may be as

misguided as they are supposed to be, and that they may come here to

become our subjects, is either a coward or a traitor to his country;

while as for those who carry such tidings and fill you with so much

alarm, I wonder less at their audacity than at their folly if they

flatter themselves that we do not see through them. The fact is that

they have their private reasons to be afraid, and wish to throw the

city into consternation to have their own terrors cast into the

shade by the public alarm. In short, this is what these reports are

worth; they do not arise of themselves, but are concocted by men who

are always causing agitation here in Sicily. However, if you are

well advised, you will not be guided in your calculation of

probabilities by what these persons tell you, but by what shrewd men

and of large experience, as I esteem the Athenians to be, would be

likely to do. Now it is not likely that they would leave the

Peloponnesians behind them, and before they have well ended the war in

Hellas wantonly come in quest of a new war quite as arduous in Sicily;

indeed, in my judgment, they are only too glad that we do not go and

attack them, being so many and so great cities as we are.

  "However, if they should come as is reported, I consider Sicily

better able to go through with the war than Peloponnese, as being at

all points better prepared, and our city by itself far more than a

match for this pretended army of invasion, even were it twice as large

again. I know that they will not have horses with them, or get any

here, except a few perhaps from the Egestaeans; or be able to bring

a force of heavy infantry equal in number to our own, in ships which

will already have enough to do to come all this distance, however

lightly laden, not to speak of the transport of the other stores

required against a city of this magnitude, which will be no slight

quantity. In fact, so strong is my opinion upon the subject, that I do

not well see how they could avoid annihilation if they brought with

them another city as large as Syracuse, and settled down and carried

on war from our frontier; much less can they hope to succeed with

all Sicily hostile to them, as all Sicily will be, and with only a

camp pitched from the ships, and composed of tents and bare

necessaries, from which they would not be able to stir far for fear of

our cavalry.

  "But the Athenians see this as I tell you, and as I have reason to

know are looking after their possessions at home, while persons here

invent stories that neither are true nor ever will be. Nor is this the

first time that I see these persons, when they cannot resort to deeds,

trying by such stories and by others even more abominable to

frighten your people and get into their hands the government: it is

what I see always. And I cannot help fearing that trying so often they

may one day succeed, and that we, as long as we do not feel the smart,

may prove too weak for the task of prevention, or, when the

offenders are known, of pursuit. The result is that our city is rarely

at rest, but is subject to constant troubles and to contests as

frequent against herself as against the enemy, not to speak of

occasional tyrannies and infamous cabals. However, I will try, if

you will support me, to let nothing of this happen in our time, by

gaining you, the many, and by chastising the authors of such

machinations, not merely when they are caught in the act- a difficult

feat to accomplish- but also for what they have the wish though not

the power to do; as it is necessary to punish an enemy not only for

what he does, but also beforehand for what he intends to do, if the

first to relax precaution would not be also the first to suffer. I

shall also reprove, watch, and on occasion warn the few- the most

effectual way, in my opinion, of turning them from their evil courses.

And after all, as I have often asked, what would you have, young men?

Would you hold office at once? The law forbids it, a law enacted

rather because you are not competent than to disgrace you when

competent. Meanwhile you would not be on a legal equality with the

many! But how can it be right that citizens of the same state should

be held unworthy of the same privileges?

 "It will be said, perhaps, that democracy is neither wise nor

equitable, but that the holders of property are also the best fitted

to rule. I say, on the contrary, first, that the word demos, or

people, includes the whole state, oligarchy only a part; next, that if

the best guardians of property are the rich, and the best

counsellors the wise, none can hear and decide so well as the many;

and that all these talents, severally and collectively, have their

just place in a democracy. But an oligarchy gives the many their share

of the danger, and not content with the largest part takes and keeps

the whole of the profit; and this is what the powerful and young among

you aspire to, but in a great city cannot possibly obtain.

  "But even now, foolish men, most senseless of all the Hellenes

that I know, if you have no sense of the wickedness of your designs,

or most criminal if you have that sense and still dare to pursue

them- even now, if it is not a case for repentance, you may still

learn wisdom, and thus advance the interest of the country, the common

interest of us all. Reflect that in the country's prosperity the men

of merit in your ranks will have a share and a larger share than the

great mass of your fellow countrymen, but that if you have other

designs you run a risk of being deprived of all; and desist from

reports like these, as the people know your object and will not put up

with it. If the Athenians arrive, this city will repulse them in a

manner worthy of itself; we have moreover, generals who will see to

this matter. And if nothing of this be true, as I incline to

believe, the city will not be thrown into a panic by your

intelligence, or impose upon itself a self-chosen servitude by

choosing you for its rulers; the city itself will look into the

matter, and will judge your words as if they were acts, and, instead

of allowing itself to be deprived of its liberty by listening to

you, will strive to preserve that liberty, by taking care to have

always at hand the means of making itself respected."

  Such were the words of Athenagoras. One of the generals now stood up

and stopped any other speakers coming forward, adding these words of

his own with reference to the matter in hand: "It is not well for

speakers to utter calumnies against one another, or for their

hearers to entertain them; we ought rather to look to the intelligence

that we have received, and see how each man by himself and the city as

a whole may best prepare to repel the invaders. Even if there be no

need, there is no harm in the state being furnished with horses and

arms and all other insignia of war; and we will undertake to see to

and order this, and to send round to the cities to reconnoitre and

do all else that may appear desirable. Part of this we have seen to

already, and whatever we discover shall be laid before you." After

these words from the general, the Syracusans departed from the


  In the meantime the Athenians with all their allies had now

arrived at Corcyra. Here the generals began by again reviewing the

armament, and made arrangements as to the order in which they were

to anchor and encamp, and dividing the whole fleet into three

divisions, allotted one to each of their number, to avoid sailing

all together and being thus embarrassed for water, harbourage, or

provisions at the stations which they might touch at, and at the

same time to be generally better ordered and easier to handle, by each

squadron having its own commander. Next they sent on three ships to

Italy and Sicily to find out which of the cities would receive them,

with instructions to meet them on the way and let them know before

they put in to land.

  After this the Athenians weighed from Corcyra, and proceeded to

cross to Sicily with an armament now consisting of one hundred and

thirty-four galleys in all (besides two Rhodian fifty-oars), of

which one hundred were Athenian vessels- sixty men-of-war, and forty

troopships- and the remainder from Chios and the other allies; five

thousand and one hundred heavy infantry in all, that is to say,

fifteen hundred Athenian citizens from the rolls at Athens and seven

hundred Thetes shipped as marines, and the rest allied troops, some of

them Athenian subjects, and besides these five hundred Argives, and

two hundred and fifty Mantineans serving for hire; four hundred and

eighty archers in all, eighty of whom were Cretans, seven hundred

slingers from Rhodes, one hundred and twenty light-armed exiles from

Megara, and one horse-transport carrying thirty horses.

  Such was the strength of the first armament that sailed over for the

war. The supplies for this force were carried by thirty ships of

burden laden with corn, which conveyed the bakers, stone-masons, and

carpenters, and the tools for raising fortifications, accompanied by

one hundred boats, like the former pressed into the service, besides

many other boats and ships of burden which followed the armament

voluntarily for purposes of trade; all of which now left Corcyra and

struck across the Ionian Sea together. The whole force making land

at the Iapygian promontory and Tarentum, with more or less good

fortune, coasted along the shores of Italy, the cities shutting

their markets and gates against them, and according them nothing but

water and liberty to anchor, and Tarentum and Locri not even that,

until they arrived at Rhegium, the extreme point of Italy. Here at

length they reunited, and not gaining admission within the walls

pitched a camp outside the city in the precinct of Artemis, where a

market was also provided for them, and drew their ships on shore and

kept quiet. Meanwhile they opened negotiations with the Rhegians,

and called upon them as Chalcidians to assist their Leontine

kinsmen; to which the Rhegians replied that they would not side with

either party, but should await the decision of the rest of the

Italiots, and do as they did. Upon this the Athenians now began to

consider what would be the best action to take in the affairs of

Sicily, and meanwhile waited for the ships sent on to come back from

Egesta, in order to know whether there was really there the money

mentioned by the messengers at Athens.

  In the meantime came in from all quarters to the Syracusans, as well

as from their own officers sent to reconnoitre, the positive tidings

that the fleet was at Rhegium; upon which they laid aside their

incredulity and threw themselves heart and soul into the work of

preparation. Guards or envoys, as the case might be, were sent round

to the Sicels, garrisons put into the posts of the Peripoli in the

country, horses and arms reviewed in the city to see that nothing

was wanting, and all other steps taken to prepare for a war which

might be upon them at any moment.

  Meanwhile the three ships that had been sent on came from Egesta

to the Athenians at Rhegium, with the news that so far from there

being the sums promised, all that could be produced was thirty

talents. The generals were not a little disheartened at being thus

disappointed at the outset, and by the refusal to join in the

expedition of the Rhegians, the people they had first tried to gain

and had had had most reason to count upon, from their relationship

to the Leontines and constant friendship for Athens. If Nicias was

prepared for the news from Egesta, his two colleagues were taken

completely by surprise. The Egestaeans had had recourse to the

following stratagem, when the first envoys from Athens came to inspect

their resources. They took the envoys in question to the temple of

Aphrodite at Eryx and showed them the treasures deposited there:

bowls, wine-ladles, censers, and a large number of other pieces of

plate, which from being in silver gave an impression of wealth quite

out of proportion to their really small value. They also privately

entertained the ships' crews, and collected all the cups of gold and

silver that they could find in Egesta itself or could borrow in the

neighbouring Phoenician and Hellenic towns, and each brought them to

the banquets as their own; and as all used pretty nearly the same, and

everywhere a great quantity of plate was shown, the effect was most

dazzling upon the Athenian sailors, and made them talk loudly of the

riches they had seen when they got back to Athens. The dupes in

question- who had in their turn persuaded the rest- when the news got

abroad that there was not the money supposed at Egesta, were much

blamed by the soldiers.

  Meanwhile the generals consulted upon what was to be done. The

opinion of Nicias was to sail with all the armament to Selinus, the

main object of the expedition, and if the Egestaeans could provide

money for the whole force, to advise accordingly; but if they could

not, to require them to supply provisions for the sixty ships that

they had asked for, to stay and settle matters between them and the

Selinuntines either by force or by agreement, and then to coast past

the other cities, and after displaying the power of Athens and proving

their zeal for their friends and allies, to sail home again (unless

they should have some sudden and unexpected opportunity of serving the

Leontines, or of bringing over some of the other cities), and not to

endanger the state by wasting its home resources.

  Alcibiades said that a great expedition like the present must not

disgrace itself by going away without having done anything; heralds

must be sent to all the cities except Selinus and Syracuse, and

efforts be made to make some of the Sicels revolt from the Syracusans,

and to obtain the friendship of others, in order to have corn and

troops; and first of all to gain the Messinese, who lay right in the

passage and entrance to Sicily, and would afford an excellent

harbour and base for the army. Thus, after bringing over the towns and

knowing who would be their allies in the war, they might at length

attack Syracuse and Selinus; unless the latter came to terms with

Egesta and the former ceased to oppose the restoration of Leontini.

  Lamachus, on the other hand, said that they ought to sail straight

to Syracuse, and fight their battle at once under the walls of the

town while the people were still unprepared, and the panic at its

height. Every armament was most terrible at first; if it allowed

time to run on without showing itself, men's courage revived, and they

saw it appear at last almost with indifference. By attacking suddenly,

while Syracuse still trembled at their coming, they would have the

best chance of gaining a victory for themselves and of striking a

complete panic into the enemy by the aspect of their numbers- which

would never appear so considerable as at present- by the anticipation

of coming disaster, and above all by the immediate danger of the

engagement. They might also count upon surprising many in the fields

outside, incredulous of their coming; and at the moment that the enemy

was carrying in his property the army would not want for booty if it

sat down in force before the city. The rest of the Siceliots would

thus be immediately less disposed to enter into alliance with the

Syracusans, and would join the Athenians, without waiting to see which

were the strongest. They must make Megara their naval station as a

place to retreat to and a base from which to attack: it was an

uninhabited place at no great distance from Syracuse either by land or

by sea.

  After speaking to this effect, Lamachus nevertheless gave his

support to the opinion of Alcibiades. After this Alcibiades sailed

in his own vessel across to Messina with proposals of alliance, but

met with no success, the inhabitants answering that they could not

receive him within their walls, though they would provide him with a

market outside. Upon this he sailed back to Rhegium. Immediately

upon his return the generals manned and victualled sixty ships out

of the whole fleet and coasted along to Naxos, leaving the rest of the

armament behind them at Rhegium with one of their number. Received

by the Naxians, they then coasted on to Catana, and being refused

admittance by the inhabitants, there being a Syracusan party in the

town, went on to the river Terias. Here they bivouacked, and the

next day sailed in single file to Syracuse with all their ships except

ten which they sent on in front to sail into the great harbour and see

if there was any fleet launched, and to proclaim by herald from

shipboard that the Athenians were come to restore the Leontines to

their country, as being their allies and kinsmen, and that such of

them, therefore, as were in Syracuse should leave it without fear

and join their friends and benefactors the Athenians. After making

this proclamation and reconnoitring the city and the harbours, and the

features of the country which they would have to make their base of

operations in the war, they sailed back to Catana.

  An assembly being held here, the inhabitants refused to receive

the armament, but invited the generals to come in and say what they

desired; and while Alcibiades was speaking and the citizens were

intent on the assembly, the soldiers broke down an ill-walled-up

postern gate without being observed, and getting inside the town,

flocked into the marketplace. The Syracusan party in the town no

sooner saw the army inside than they became frightened and withdrew,

not being at all numerous; while the rest voted for an alliance with

the Athenians and invited them to fetch the rest of their forces

from Rhegium. After this the Athenians sailed to Rhegium, and put off,

this time with all the armament, for Catana, and fell to work at their

camp immediately upon their arrival.

  Meanwhile word was brought them from Camarina that if they went

there the town would go over to them, and also that the Syracusans

were manning a fleet. The Athenians accordingly sailed alongshore with

all their armament, first to Syracuse, where they found no fleet

manning, and so always along the coast to Camarina, where they brought

to at the beach, and sent a herald to the people, who, however,

refused to receive them, saying that their oaths bound them to receive

the Athenians only with a single vessel, unless they themselves sent

for more. Disappointed here, the Athenians now sailed back again,

and after landing and plundering on Syracusan territory and losing

some stragglers from their light infantry through the coming up of the

Syracusan horse, so got back to Catana.

  There they found the Salaminia come from Athens for Alcibiades, with

orders for him to sail home to answer the charges which the state

brought against him, and for certain others of the soldiers who with

him were accused of sacrilege in the matter of the mysteries and of

the Hermae. For the Athenians, after the departure of the

expedition, had continued as active as ever in investigating the facts

of the mysteries and of the Hermae, and, instead of testing the

informers, in their suspicious temper welcomed all indifferently,

arresting and imprisoning the best citizens upon the evidence of

rascals, and preferring to sift the matter to the bottom sooner than

to let an accused person of good character pass unquestioned, owing to

the rascality of the informer. The commons had heard how oppressive

the tyranny of Pisistratus and his sons had become before it ended,

and further that that had been put down at last, not by themselves and

Harmodius, but by the Lacedaemonians, and so were always in fear and

took everything suspiciously.

  Indeed, the daring action of Aristogiton and Harmodius was

undertaken in consequence of a love affair, which I shall relate at

some length, to show that the Athenians are not more accurate than the

rest of the world in their accounts of their own tyrants and of the

facts of their own history. Pisistratus dying at an advanced age in

possession of the tyranny, was succeeded by his eldest son, Hippias,

and not Hipparchus, as is vulgarly believed. Harmodius was then in the

flower of youthful beauty, and Aristogiton, a citizen in the middle

rank of life, was his lover and possessed him. Solicited without

success by Hipparchus, son of Pisistratus, Harmodius told Aristogiton,

and the enraged lover, afraid that the powerful Hipparchus might

take Harmodius by force, immediately formed a design, such as his

condition in life permitted, for overthrowing the tyranny. In the

meantime Hipparchus, after a second solicitation of Harmodius,

attended with no better success, unwilling to use violence, arranged

to insult him in some covert way. Indeed, generally their government

was not grievous to the multitude, or in any way odious in practice;

and these tyrants cultivated wisdom and virtue as much as any, and

without exacting from the Athenians more than a twentieth of their

income, splendidly adorned their city, and carried on their wars,

and provided sacrifices for the temples. For the rest, the city was

left in full enjoyment of its existing laws, except that care was

always taken to have the offices in the hands of some one of the

family. Among those of them that held the yearly archonship at

Athens was Pisistratus, son of the tyrant Hippias, and named after his

grandfather, who dedicated during his term of office the altar to

the twelve gods in the market-place, and that of Apollo in the Pythian

precinct. The Athenian people afterwards built on to and lengthened

the altar in the market-place, and obliterated the inscription; but

that in the Pythian precinct can still be seen, though in faded

letters, and is to the following effect:

    Pisistratus, the son of Hippias,

    Sent up this record of his archonship

    In precinct of Apollo Pythias.

  That Hippias was the eldest son and succeeded to the government,

is what I positively assert as a fact upon which I have had more exact

accounts than others, and may be also ascertained by the following

circumstance. He is the only one of the legitimate brothers that

appears to have had children; as the altar shows, and the pillar

placed in the Athenian Acropolis, commemorating the crime of the

tyrants, which mentions no child of Thessalus or of Hipparchus, but

five of Hippias, which he had by Myrrhine, daughter of Callias, son of

Hyperechides; and naturally the eldest would have married first.

Again, his name comes first on the pillar after that of his father;

and this too is quite natural, as he was the eldest after him, and the

reigning tyrant. Nor can I ever believe that Hippias would have

obtained the tyranny so easily, if Hipparchus had been in power when

he was killed, and he, Hippias, had had to establish himself upon

the same day; but he had no doubt been long accustomed to overawe

the citizens, and to be obeyed by his mercenaries, and thus not only

conquered, but conquered with ease, without experiencing any of the

embarrassment of a younger brother unused to the exercise of

authority. It was the sad fate which made Hipparchus famous that got

him also the credit with posterity of having been tyrant.

  To return to Harmodius; Hipparchus having been repulsed in his

solicitations insulted him as he had resolved, by first inviting a

sister of his, a young girl, to come and bear a basket in a certain

procession, and then rejecting her, on the plea that she had never

been invited at all owing to her unworthiness. If Harmodius was

indignant at this, Aristogiton for his sake now became more

exasperated than ever; and having arranged everything with those who

were to join them in the enterprise, they only waited for the great

feast of the Panathenaea, the sole day upon which the citizens forming

part of the procession could meet together in arms without

suspicion. Aristogiton and Harmodius were to begin, but were to be

supported immediately by their accomplices against the bodyguard.

The conspirators were not many, for better security, besides which

they hoped that those not in the plot would be carried away by the

example of a few daring spirits, and use the arms in their hands to

recover their liberty.

  At last the festival arrived; and Hippias with his bodyguard was

outside the city in the Ceramicus, arranging how the different parts

of the procession were to proceed. Harmodius and Aristogiton had

already their daggers and were getting ready to act, when seeing one

of their accomplices talking familiarly with Hippias, who was easy

of access to every one, they took fright, and concluded that they were

discovered and on the point of being taken; and eager if possible to

be revenged first upon the man who had wronged them and for whom

they had undertaken all this risk, they rushed, as they were, within

the gates, and meeting with Hipparchus by the Leocorium recklessly

fell upon him at once, infuriated, Aristogiton by love, and

Harmodius by insult, and smote him and slew him. Aristogiton escaped

the guards at the moment, through the crowd running up, but was

afterwards taken and dispatched in no merciful way: Harmodius was

killed on the spot.

  When the news was brought to Hippias in the Ceramicus, he at once

proceeded not to the scene of action, but to the armed men in the

procession, before they, being some distance away, knew anything of

the matter, and composing his features for the occasion, so as not

to betray himself, pointed to a certain spot, and bade them repair

thither without their arms. They withdrew accordingly, fancying he had

something to say; upon which he told the mercenaries to remove the

arms, and there and then picked out the men he thought guilty and

all found with daggers, the shield and spear being the usual weapons

for a procession.

  In this way offended love first led Harmodius and Aristogiton to

conspire, and the alarm of the moment to commit the rash action

recounted. After this the tyranny pressed harder on the Athenians, and

Hippias, now grown more fearful, put to death many of the citizens,

and at the same time began to turn his eyes abroad for a refuge in

case of revolution. Thus, although an Athenian, he gave his

daughter, Archedice, to a Lampsacene, Aeantides, son of the tyrant

of Lampsacus, seeing that they had great influence with Darius. And

there is her tomb in Lampsacus with this inscription:

    Archedice lies buried in this earth,

    Hippias her sire, and Athens gave her birth;

    Unto her bosom pride was never known,

    Though daughter, wife, and sister to the throne.

Hippias, after reigning three years longer over the Athenians, was

deposed in the fourth by the Lacedaemonians and the banished

Alcmaeonidae, and went with a safe conduct to Sigeum, and to Aeantides

at Lampsacus, and from thence to King Darius; from whose court he

set out twenty years after, in his old age, and came with the Medes to


  With these events in their minds, and recalling everything they knew

by hearsay on the subject, the Athenian people grow difficult of

humour and suspicious of the persons charged in the affair of the

mysteries, and persuaded that all that had taken place was part of

an oligarchical and monarchical conspiracy. In the state of irritation

thus produced, many persons of consideration had been already thrown

into prison, and far from showing any signs of abating, public feeling

grew daily more savage, and more arrests were made; until at last

one of those in custody, thought to be the most guilty of all, was

induced by a fellow prisoner to make a revelation, whether true or not

is a matter on which there are two opinions, no one having been

able, either then or since, to say for certain who did the deed.

However this may be, the other found arguments to persuade him, that

even if he had not done it, he ought to save himself by gaining a

promise of impunity, and free the state of its present suspicions;

as he would be surer of safety if he confessed after promise of

impunity than if he denied and were brought to trial. He accordingly

made a revelation, affecting himself and others in the affair of the

Hermae; and the Athenian people, glad at last, as they supposed, to

get at the truth, and furious until then at not being able to discover

those who had conspired against the commons, at once let go the

informer and all the rest whom he had not denounced, and bringing

the accused to trial executed as many as were apprehended, and

condemned to death such as had fled and set a price upon their

heads. In this it was, after all, not clear whether the sufferers

had been punished unjustly, while in any case the rest of the city

received immediate and manifest relief.

  To return to Alcibiades: public feeling was very hostile to him,

being worked on by the same enemies who had attacked him before he

went out; and now that the Athenians fancied that they had got at

the truth of the matter of the Hermae, they believed more firmly

than ever that the affair of the mysteries also, in which he was

implicated, had been contrived by him in the same intention and was

connected with the plot against the democracy. Meanwhile it so

happened that, just at the time of this agitation, a small force of

Lacedaemonians had advanced as far as the Isthmus, in pursuance of

some scheme with the Boeotians. It was now thought that this had

come by appointment, at his instigation, and not on account of the

Boeotians, and that, if the citizens had not acted on the

information received, and forestalled them by arresting the prisoners,

the city would have been betrayed. The citizens went so far as to

sleep one night armed in the temple of Theseus within the walls. The

friends also of Alcibiades at Argos were just at this time suspected

of a design to attack the commons; and the Argive hostages deposited

in the islands were given up by the Athenians to the Argive people

to be put to death upon that account: in short, everywhere something

was found to create suspicion against Alcibiades. It was therefore

decided to bring him to trial and execute him, and the Salaminia was

sent to Sicily for him and the others named in the information, with

instructions to order him to come and answer the charges against

him, but not to arrest him, because they wished to avoid causing any

agitation in the army or among the enemy in Sicily, and above all to

retain the services of the Mantineans and Argives, who, it was

thought, had been induced to join by his influence. Alcibiades, with

his own ship and his fellow accused, accordingly sailed off with the

Salaminia from Sicily, as though to return to Athens, and went with

her as far as Thurii, and there they left the ship and disappeared,

being afraid to go home for trial with such a prejudice existing

against them. The crew of the Salaminia stayed some time looking for

Alcibiades and his companions, and at length, as they were nowhere

to be found, set sail and departed. Alcibiades, now an outlaw, crossed

in a boat not long after from Thurii to Peloponnese; and the Athenians

passed sentence of death by default upon him and those in his company.

                           CHAPTER XX.

          Seventeenth and Eighteenth Years of the War -

           Inaction of the Athenian Army - Alcibiades

               at Sparta - Investment of Syracuse

  THE Athenian generals left in Sicily now divided the armament into

two parts, and, each taking one by lot, sailed with the whole for

Selinus and Egesta, wishing to know whether the Egestaeans would

give the money, and to look into the question of Selinus and ascertain

the state of the quarrel between her and Egesta. Coasting along

Sicily, with the shore on their left, on the side towards the Tyrrhene

Gulf they touched at Himera, the only Hellenic city in that part of

the island, and being refused admission resumed their voyage. On their

way they took Hyccara, a petty Sicanian seaport, nevertheless at war

with Egesta, and making slaves of the inhabitants gave up the town

to the Egestaeans, some of whose horse had joined them; after which

the army proceeded through the territory of the Sicels until it

reached Catana, while the fleet sailed along the coast with the slaves

on board. Meanwhile Nicias sailed straight from Hyccara along the

coast and went to Egesta and, after transacting his other business and

receiving thirty talents, rejoined the forces. They now sold their

slaves for the sum of one hundred and twenty talents, and sailed round

to their Sicel allies to urge them to send troops; and meanwhile

went with half their own force to the hostile town of Hybla in the

territory of Gela, but did not succeed in taking it.

  Summer was now over. The winter following, the Athenians at once

began to prepare for moving on Syracuse, and the Syracusans on their

side for marching against them. From the moment when the Athenians

failed to attack them instantly as they at first feared and

expected, every day that passed did something to revive their courage;

and when they saw them sailing far away from them on the other side of

Sicily, and going to Hybla only to fail in their attempts to storm it,

they thought less of them than ever, and called upon their generals,

as the multitude is apt to do in its moments of confidence, to lead

them to Catana, since the enemy would not come to them. Parties also

of the Syracusan horse employed in reconnoitring constantly rode up to

the Athenian armament, and among other insults asked them whether they

had not really come to settle with the Syracusans in a foreign country

rather than to resettle the Leontines in their own.

  Aware of this, the Athenian generals determined to draw them out

in mass as far as possible from the city, and themselves in the

meantime to sail by night alongshore, and take up at their leisure a

convenient position. This they knew they could not so well do, if they

had to disembark from their ships in front of a force prepared for

them, or to go by land openly. The numerous cavalry of the

Syracusans (a force which they were themselves without) would then

be able to do the greatest mischief to their light troops and the

crowd that followed them; but this plan would enable them to take up a

position in which the horse could do them no hurt worth speaking of,

some Syracusan exiles with the army having told them of the spot

near the Olympieum, which they afterwards occupied. In pursuance of

their idea, the generals imagined the following stratagem. They sent

to Syracuse a man devoted to them, and by the Syracusan generals

thought to be no less in their interest; he was a native of Catana,

and said he came from persons in that place, whose names the Syracusan

generals were acquainted with, and whom they knew to be among the

members of their party still left in the city. He told them that the

Athenians passed the night in the town, at some distance from their

arms, and that if the Syracusans would name a day and come with all

their people at daybreak to attack the armament, they, their

friends, would close the gates upon the troops in the city, and set

fire to the vessels, while the Syracusans would easily take the camp

by an attack upon the stockade. In this they would be aided by many of

the Catanians, who were already prepared to act, and from whom he

himself came.

  The generals of the Syracusans, who did not want confidence, and who

had intended even without this to march on Catana, believed the man

without any sufficient inquiry, fixed at once a day upon which they

would be there, and dismissed him, and the Selinuntines and others

of their allies having now arrived, gave orders for all the Syracusans

to march out in mass. Their preparations completed, and the time fixed

for their arrival being at hand, they set out for Catana, and passed

the night upon the river Symaethus, in the Leontine territory.

Meanwhile the Athenians no sooner knew of their approach than they

took all their forces and such of the Sicels or others as had joined

them, put them on board their ships and boats, and sailed by night

to Syracuse. Thus, when morning broke the Athenians were landing

opposite the Olympieum ready to seize their camping ground, and the

Syracusan horse having ridden up first to Catana and found that all

the armament had put to sea, turned back and told the infantry, and

then all turned back together, and went to the relief of the city.

  In the meantime, as the march before the Syracusans was a long

one, the Athenians quietly sat down their army in a convenient

position, where they could begin an engagement when they pleased,

and where the Syracusan cavalry would have least opportunity of

annoying them, either before or during the action, being fenced off on

one side by walls, houses, trees, and by a marsh, and on the other

by cliffs. They also felled the neighbouring trees and carried them

down to the sea, and formed a palisade alongside of their ships, and

with stones which they picked up and wood hastily raised a fort at

Daskon, the most vulnerable point of their position, and broke down

the bridge over the Anapus. These preparations were allowed to go on

without any interruption from the city, the first hostile force to

appear being the Syracusan cavalry, followed afterwards by all the

foot together. At first they came close up to the Athenian army, and

then, finding that they did not offer to engage, crossed the

Helorine road and encamped for the night.

  The next day the Athenians and their allies prepared for battle,

their dispositions being as follows: Their right wing was occupied

by the Argives and Mantineans, the centre by the Athenians, and the

rest of the field by the other allies. Half their army was drawn up

eight deep in advance, half close to their tents in a hollow square,

formed also eight deep, which had orders to look out and be ready to

go to the support of the troops hardest pressed. The camp followers

were placed inside this reserve. The Syracusans, meanwhile, formed

their heavy infantry sixteen deep, consisting of the mass levy of

their own people, and such allies as had joined them, the strongest

contingent being that of the Selinuntines; next to them the cavalry of

the Geloans, numbering two hundred in all, with about twenty horse and

fifty archers from Camarina. The cavalry was posted on their right,

full twelve hundred strong, and next to it the darters. As the

Athenians were about to begin the attack, Nicias went along the lines,

and addressed these words of encouragement to the army and the nations

composing it:

  "Soldiers, a long exhortation is little needed by men like

ourselves, who are here to fight in the same battle, the force

itself being, to my thinking, more fit to inspire confidence than a

fine speech with a weak army. Where we have Argives, Mantineans,

Athenians, and the first of the islanders in the ranks together, it

were strange indeed, with so many and so brave companions in arms,

if we did not feel confident of victory; especially when we have

mass levies opposed to our picked troops, and what is more, Siceliots,

who may disdain us but will not stand against us, their skill not

being at all commensurate to their rashness. You may also remember

that we are far from home and have no friendly land near, except

what your own swords shall win you; and here I put before you a motive

just the reverse of that which the enemy are appealing to; their cry

being that they shall fight for their country, mine that we shall

fight for a country that is not ours, where we must conquer or

hardly get away, as we shall have their horse upon us in great

numbers. Remember, therefore, your renown, and go boldly against the

enemy, thinking the present strait and necessity more terrible than


  After this address Nicias at once led on the army. The Syracusans

were not at that moment expecting an immediate engagement, and some

had even gone away to the town, which was close by; these now ran up

as hard as they could and, though behind time, took their places

here or there in the main body as fast as they joined it. Want of zeal

or daring was certainly not the fault of the Syracusans, either in

this or the other battles, but although not inferior in courage, so

far as their military science might carry them, when this failed

them they were compelled to give up their resolution also. On the

present occasion, although they had not supposed that the Athenians

would begin the attack, and although constrained to stand upon their

defence at short notice, they at once took up their arms and

advanced to meet them. First, the stone-throwers, slingers, and

archers of either army began skirmishing, and routed or were routed by

one another, as might be expected between light troops; next,

soothsayers brought forward the usual victims, and trumpeters urged on

the heavy infantry to the charge; and thus they advanced, the

Syracusans to fight for their country, and each individual for his

safety that day and liberty hereafter; in the enemy's army, the

Athenians to make another's country theirs and to save their own

from suffering by their defeat; the Argives and independent allies

to help them in getting what they came for, and to earn by victory

another sight of the country they had left behind; while the subject

allies owed most of their ardour to the desire of self-preservation,

which they could only hope for if victorious; next to which, as a

secondary motive, came the chance of serving on easier terms, after

helping the Athenians to a fresh conquest.

  The armies now came to close quarters, and for a long while fought

without either giving ground. Meanwhile there occurred some claps of

thunder with lightning and heavy rain, which did not fail to add to

the fears of the party fighting for the first time, and very little

acquainted with war; while to their more experienced adversaries these

phenomena appeared to be produced by the time of year, and much more

alarm was felt at the continued resistance of the enemy. At last the

Argives drove in the Syracusan left, and after them the Athenians

routed the troops opposed to them, and the Syracusan army was thus cut

in two and betook itself to flight. The Athenians did not pursue

far, being held in check by the numerous and undefeated Syracusan

horse, who attacked and drove back any of their heavy infantry whom

they saw pursuing in advance of the rest; in spite of which the

victors followed so far as was safe in a body, and then went back

and set up a trophy. Meanwhile the Syracusans rallied at the

Helorine road, where they re-formed as well as they could under the

circumstances, and even sent a garrison of their own citizens to the

Olympieum, fearing that the Athenians might lay hands on some of the

treasures there. The rest returned to the town.

  The Athenians, however, did not go to the temple, but collected

their dead and laid them upon a pyre, and passed the night upon the

field. The next day they gave the enemy back their dead under truce,

to the number of about two hundred and sixty, Syracusans and allies,

and gathered together the bones of their own, some fifty, Athenians

and allies, and taking the spoils of the enemy, sailed back to Catana.

It was now winter; and it did not seem possible for the moment to

carry on the war before Syracuse, until horse should have been sent

for from Athens and levied among the allies in Sicily- to do away

with their utter inferiority in cavalry- and money should have been

collected in the country and received from Athens, and until some of

the cities, which they hoped would be now more disposed to listen to

them after the battle, should have been brought over, and corn and all

other necessaries provided, for a campaign in the spring against


  With this intention they sailed off to Naxos and Catana for the

winter. Meanwhile the Syracusans burned their dead and then held an

assembly, in which Hermocrates, son of Hermon, a man who with a

general ability of the first order had given proofs of military

capacity and brilliant courage in the war, came forward and encouraged

them, and told them not to let what had occurred make them give way,

since their spirit had not been conquered, but their want of

discipline had done the mischief. Still they had not been beaten by so

much as might have been expected, especially as they were, one might

say, novices in the art of war, an army of artisans opposed to the

most practised soldiers in Hellas. What had also done great mischief

was the number of the generals (there were fifteen of them) and the

quantity of orders given, combined with the disorder and

insubordination of the troops. But if they were to have a few

skilful generals, and used this winter in preparing their heavy

infantry, finding arms for such as had not got any, so as to make them

as numerous as possible, and forcing them to attend to their

training generally, they would have every chance of beating their

adversaries, courage being already theirs and discipline in the

field having thus been added to it. Indeed, both these qualities would

improve, since danger would exercise them in discipline, while their

courage would be led to surpass itself by the confidence which skill

inspires. The generals should be few and elected with full powers, and

an oath should be taken to leave them entire discretion in their

command: if they adopted this plan, their secrets would be better

kept, all preparations would be properly made, and there would be no

room for excuses.

  The Syracusans heard him, and voted everything as he advised, and

elected three generals, Hermocrates himself, Heraclides, son of

Lysimachus, and Sicanus, son of Execestes. They also sent envoys to

Corinth and Lacedaemon to procure a force of allies to join them,

and to induce the Lacedaemonians for their sakes openly to address

themselves in real earnest to the war against the Athenians, that they

might either have to leave Sicily or be less able to send

reinforcements to their army there.

  The Athenian forces at Catana now at once sailed against Messina, in

the expectation of its being betrayed to them. The intrigue,

however, after all came to nothing: Alcibiades, who was in the secret,

when he left his command upon the summons from home, foreseeing that

he would be outlawed, gave information of the plot to the friends of

the Syracusans in Messina, who had at once put to death its authors,

and now rose in arms against the opposite faction with those of

their way of thinking, and succeeded in preventing the admission of

the Athenians. The latter waited for thirteen days, and then, as

they were exposed to the weather and without provisions, and met

with no success, went back to Naxos, where they made places for

their ships to lie in, erected a palisade round their camp, and

retired into winter quarters; meanwhile they sent a galley to Athens

for money and cavalry to join them in the spring. During the winter

the Syracusans built a wall on to the city, so as to take in the

statue of Apollo Temenites, all along the side looking towards

Epipolae, to make the task of circumvallation longer and more

difficult, in case of their being defeated, and also erected a fort at

Megara and another in the Olympieum, and stuck palisades along the sea

wherever there was a landing Place. Meanwhile, as they knew that the

Athenians were wintering at Naxos, they marched with all their

people to Catana, and ravaged the land and set fire to the tents and

encampment of the Athenians, and so returned home. Learning also

that the Athenians were sending an embassy to Camarina, on the

strength of the alliance concluded in the time of Laches, to gain,

if possible, that city, they sent another from Syracuse to oppose

them. They had a shrewd suspicion that the Camarinaeans had not sent

what they did send for the first battle very willingly; and they now

feared that they would refuse to assist them at all in future, after

seeing the success of the Athenians in the action, and would join

the latter on the strength of their old friendship. Hermocrates,

with some others, accordingly arrived at Camarina from Syracuse, and

Euphemus and others from the Athenians; and an assembly of the

Camarinaeans having been convened, Hermocrates spoke as follows, in

the hope of prejudicing them against the Athenians:

  "Camarinaeans, we did not come on this embassy because we were

afraid of your being frightened by the actual forces of the Athenians,

but rather of your being gained by what they would say to you before

you heard anything from us. They are come to Sicily with the pretext

that you know, and the intention which we all suspect, in my opinion

less to restore the Leontines to their homes than to oust us from

ours; as it is out of all reason that they should restore in Sicily

the cities that they lay waste in Hellas, or should cherish the

Leontine Chalcidians because of their Ionian blood and keep in

servitude the Euboean Chalcidians, of whom the Leontines are a colony.

No; but the same policy which has proved so successful in Hellas is

now being tried in Sicily. After being chosen as the leaders of the

Ionians and of the other allies of Athenian origin, to punish the

Mede, the Athenians accused some of failure in military service,

some of fighting against each other, and others, as the case might be,

upon any colourable pretext that could be found, until they thus

subdued them all. In fine, in the struggle against the Medes, the

Athenians did not fight for the liberty of the Hellenes, or the

Hellenes for their own liberty, but the former to make their

countrymen serve them instead of him, the latter to change one

master for another, wiser indeed than the first, but wiser for evil.

  "But we are not now come to declare to an audience familiar with

them the misdeeds of a state so open to accusation as is the Athenian,

but much rather to blame ourselves, who, with the warnings we

possess in the Hellenes in those parts that have been enslaved through

not supporting each other, and seeing the same sophisms being now

tried upon ourselves- such as restorations of Leontine kinsfolk and

support of Egestaean allies- do not stand together and resolutely

show them that here are no Ionians, or Hellespontines, or islanders,

who change continually, but always serve a master, sometimes the

Mede and sometimes some other, but free Dorians from independent

Peloponnese, dwelling in Sicily. Or, are we waiting until we be

taken in detail, one city after another; knowing as we do that in no

other way can we be conquered, and seeing that they turn to this plan,

so as to divide some of us by words, to draw some by the bait of an

alliance into open war with each other, and to ruin others by such

flattery as different circumstances may render acceptable? And do we

fancy when destruction first overtakes a distant fellow countryman

that the danger will not come to each of us also, or that he who

suffers before us will suffer in himself alone?

  "As for the Camarinaean who says that it is the Syracusan, not he,

that is the enemy of the Athenian, and who thinks it hard to have to

encounter risk in behalf of my country, I would have him bear in

mind that he will fight in my country, not more for mine than for

his own, and by so much the more safely in that he will enter on the

struggle not alone, after the way has been cleared by my ruin, but

with me as his ally, and that the object of the Athenian is not so

much to punish the enmity of the Syracusan as to use me as a blind

to secure the friendship of the Camarinaean. As for him who envies

or even fears us (and envied and feared great powers must always

be), and who on this account wishes Syracuse to be humbled to teach us

a lesson, but would still have her survive, in the interest of his own

security the wish that he indulges is not humanly possible. A man

can control his own desires, but he cannot likewise control

circumstances; and in the event of his calculations proving

mistaken, he may live to bewail his own misfortune, and wish to be

again envying my prosperity. An idle wish, if he now sacrifice us

and refuse to take his share of perils which are the same, in

reality though not in name, for him as for us; what is nominally the

preservation of our power being really his own salvation. It was to be

expected that you, of all people in the world, Camarinaeans, being our

immediate neighbours and the next in danger, would have foreseen this,

and instead of supporting us in the lukewarm way that you are now

doing, would rather come to us of your own accord, and be now offering

at Syracuse the aid which you would have asked for at Camarina, if

to Camarina the Athenians had first come, to encourage us to resist

the invader. Neither you, however, nor the rest have as yet

bestirred yourselves in this direction.

  "Fear perhaps will make you study to do right both by us and by

the invaders, and plead that you have an alliance with the

Athenians. But you made that alliance, not against your friends, but

against the enemies that might attack you, and to help the Athenians

when they were wronged by others, not when as now they are wronging

their neighbours. Even the Rhegians, Chalcidians though they be,

refuse to help to restore the Chalcidian Leontines; and it would be

strange if, while they suspect the gist of this fine pretence and

are wise without reason, you, with every reason on your side, should

yet choose to assist your natural enemies, and should join with

their direst foes in undoing those whom nature has made your own

kinsfolk. This is not to do right; but you should help us without fear

of their armament, which has no terrors if we hold together, but

only if we let them succeed in their endeavours to separate us;

since even after attacking us by ourselves and being victorious in

battle, they had to go off without effecting their purpose.

  "United, therefore, we have no cause to despair, but rather new

encouragement to league together; especially as succour will come to

us from the Peloponnesians, in military matters the undoubted

superiors of the Athenians. And you need not think that your prudent

policy of taking sides with neither, because allies of both, is either

safe for you or fair to us. Practically it is not as fair as it

pretends to be. If the vanquished be defeated, and the victor conquer,

through your refusing to join, what is the effect of your abstention

but to leave the former to perish unaided, and to allow the latter

to offend unhindered? And yet it were more honourable to join those

who are not only the injured party, but your own kindred, and by so

doing to defend the common interests of Sicily and save your friends

the Athenians from doing wrong.

  "In conclusion, we Syracusans say that it is useless for us to

demonstrate either to you or to the rest what you know already as well

as we do; but we entreat, and if our entreaty fail, we protest that we

are menaced by our eternal enemies the Ionians, and are betrayed by

you our fellow Dorians. If the Athenians reduce us, they will owe

their victory to your decision, but in their own name will reap the

honour, and will receive as the prize of their triumph the very men

who enabled them to gain it. On the other hand, if we are the

conquerors, you will have to pay for having been the cause of our

danger. Consider, therefore; and now make your choice between the

security which present servitude offers and the prospect of conquering

with us and so escaping disgraceful submission to an Athenian master

and avoiding the lasting enmity of Syracuse."

  Such were the words of Hermocrates; after whom Euphemus, the

Athenian ambassador, spoke as follows:

  "Although we came here only to renew the former alliance, the attack

of the Syracusans compels us to speak of our empire and of the good

right we have to it. The best proof of this the speaker himself

furnished, when he called the Ionians eternal enemies of the

Dorians. It is the fact; and the Peloponnesian Dorians being our

superiors in numbers and next neighbours, we Ionians looked out for

the best means of escaping their domination. After the Median War we

had a fleet, and so got rid of the empire and supremacy of the

Lacedaemonians, who had no right to give orders to us more than we

to them, except that of being the strongest at that moment; and

being appointed leaders of the King's former subjects, we continue

to be so, thinking that we are least likely to fall under the dominion

of the Peloponnesians, if we have a force to defend ourselves with,

and in strict truth having done nothing unfair in reducing to

subjection the Ionians and islanders, the kinsfolk whom the Syracusans

say we have enslaved. They, our kinsfolk, came against their mother

country, that is to say against us, together with the Mede, and,

instead of having the courage to revolt and sacrifice their property

as we did when we abandoned our city, chose to be slaves themselves,

and to try to make us so.

  "We, therefore, deserve to rule because we placed the largest

fleet and an unflinching patriotism at the service of the Hellenes,

and because these, our subjects, did us mischief by their ready

subservience to the Medes; and, desert apart, we seek to strengthen

ourselves against the Peloponnesians. We make no fine profession of

having a right to rule because we overthrew the barbarian

single-handed, or because we risked what we did risk for the freedom

of the subjects in question any more than for that of all, and for our

own: no one can be quarrelled with for providing for his proper

safety. If we are now here in Sicily, it is equally in the interest of

our security, with which we perceive that your interest also

coincides. We prove this from the conduct which the Syracusans cast

against us and which you somewhat too timorously suspect; knowing that

those whom fear has made suspicious may be carried away by the charm

of eloquence for the moment, but when they come to act follow their


  "Now, as we have said, fear makes us hold our empire in Hellas,

and fear makes us now come, with the help of our friends, to order

safely matters in Sicily, and not to enslave any but rather to prevent

any from being enslaved. Meanwhile, let no one imagine that we are

interesting ourselves in you without your having anything to do with

us, seeing that, if you are preserved and able to make head against

the Syracusans, they will be less likely to harm us by sending

troops to the Peloponnesians. In this way you have everything to do

with us, and on this account it is perfectly reasonable for us to

restore the Leontines, and to make them, not subjects like their

kinsmen in Euboea, but as powerful as possible, to help us by annoying

the Syracusans from their frontier. In Hellas we are alone a match for

our enemies; and as for the assertion that it is out of all reason

that we should free the Sicilian, while we enslave the Chalcidian, the

fact is that the latter is useful to us by being without arms and

contributing money only; while the former, the Leontines and our other

friends, cannot be too independent.

  "Besides, for tyrants and imperial cities nothing is unreasonable if

expedient, no one a kinsman unless sure; but friendship or enmity is

everywhere an affair of time and circumstance. Here, in Sicily, our

interest is not to weaken our friends, but by means of their

strength to cripple our enemies. Why doubt this? In Hellas we treat

our allies as we find them useful. The Chians and Methymnians govern

themselves and furnish ships; most of the rest have harder terms and

pay tribute in money; while others, although islanders and easy for us

to take, are free altogether, because they occupy convenient positions

round Peloponnese. In our settlement of the states here in Sicily,

we should therefore; naturally be guided by our interest, and by fear,

as we say, of the Syracusans. Their ambition is to rule you, their

object to use the suspicions that we excite to unite you, and then,

when we have gone away without effecting anything, by force or through

your isolation, to become the masters of Sicily. And masters they must

become, if you unite with them; as a force of that magnitude would

be no longer easy for us to deal with united, and they would be more

than a match for you as soon as we were away.

  "Any other view of the case is condemned by the facts. When you

first asked us over, the fear which you held out was that of danger to

Athens if we let you come under the dominion of Syracuse; and it is

not right now to mistrust the very same argument by which you

claimed to convince us, or to give way to suspicion because we are

come with a larger force against the power of that city. Those whom

you should really distrust are the Syracusans. We are not able to stay

here without you, and if we proved perfidious enough to bring you into

subjection, we should be unable to keep you in bondage, owing to the

length of the voyage and the difficulty of guarding large, and in a

military sense continental, towns: they, the Syracusans, live close to

you, not in a camp, but in a city greater than the force we have

with us, plot always against you, never let slip an opportunity once

offered, as they have shown in the case of the Leontines and others,

and now have the face, just as if you were fools, to invite you to aid

them against the power that hinders this, and that has thus far

maintained Sicily independent. We, as against them, invite you to a

much more real safety, when we beg you not to betray that common

safety which we each have in the other, and to reflect that they, even

without allies, will, by their numbers, have always the way open to

you, while you will not often have the opportunity of defending

yourselves with such numerous auxiliaries; if, through your

suspicions, you once let these go away unsuccessful or defeated, you

will wish to see if only a handful of them back again, when the day is

past in which their presence could do anything for you.

  "But we hope, Camarinaeans, that the calumnies of the Syracusans

will not be allowed to succeed either with you or with the rest: we

have told you the whole truth upon the things we are suspected of, and

will now briefly recapitulate, in the hope of convincing you. We

assert that we are rulers in Hellas in order not to be subjects;

liberators in Sicily that we may not be harmed by the Sicilians;

that we are compelled to interfere in many things, because we have

many things to guard against; and that now, as before, we are come

as allies to those of you who suffer wrong in this island, not without

invitation but upon invitation. Accordingly, instead of making

yourselves judges or censors of our conduct, and trying to turn us,

which it were now difficult to do, so far as there is anything in

our interfering policy or in our character that chimes in with your

interest, this take and make use of; and be sure that, far from

being injurious to all alike, to most of the Hellenes that policy is

even beneficial. Thanks to it, all men in all places, even where we

are not, who either apprehend or meditate aggression, from the near

prospect before them, in the one case, of obtaining our intervention

in their favour, in the other, of our arrival making the venture

dangerous, find themselves constrained, respectively, to be moderate

against their will, and to be preserved without trouble of their

own. Do not you reject this security that is open to all who desire

it, and is now offered to you; but do like others, and instead of

being always on the defensive against the Syracusans, unite with us,

and in your turn at last threaten them."

  Such were the words of Euphemus. What the Camarinaeans felt was

this. Sympathizing with the Athenians, except in so far as they

might be afraid of their subjugating Sicily, they had always been at

enmity with their neighbour Syracuse. From the very fact, however,

that they were their neighbours, they feared the Syracusans most of

the two, and being apprehensive of their conquering even without them,

both sent them in the first instance the few horsemen mentioned, and

for the future determined to support them most in fact, although as

sparingly as possible; but for the moment in order not to seem to

slight the Athenians, especially as they had been successful in the

engagement, to answer both alike. Agreeably to this resolution they

answered that as both the contending parties happened to be allies

of theirs, they thought it most consistent with their oaths at present

to side with neither; with which answer the ambassadors of either

party departed.

  In the meantime, while Syracuse pursued her preparations for war,

the Athenians were encamped at Naxos, and tried by negotiation to gain

as many of the Sicels as possible. Those more in the low lands, and

subjects of Syracuse, mostly held aloof; but the peoples of the

interior who had never been otherwise than independent, with few

exceptions, at once joined the Athenians, and brought down corn to the

army, and in some cases even money. The Athenians marched against

those who refused to join, and forced some of them to do so; in the

case of others they were stopped by the Syracusans sending garrisons

and reinforcements. Meanwhile the Athenians moved their winter

quarters from Naxos to Catana, and reconstructed the camp burnt by the

Syracusans, and stayed there the rest of the winter. They also sent

a galley to Carthage, with proffers of friendship, on the chance of

obtaining assistance, and another to Tyrrhenia; some of the cities

there having spontaneously offered to join them in the war. They

also sent round to the Sicels and to Egesta, desiring them to send

them as many horses as possible, and meanwhile prepared bricks,

iron, and all other things necessary for the work of

circumvallation, intending by the spring to begin hostilities.

  In the meantime the Syracusan envoys dispatched to Corinth and

Lacedaemon tried as they passed along the coast to persuade the

Italiots to interfere with the proceedings of the Athenians, which

threatened Italy quite as much as Syracuse, and having arrived at

Corinth made a speech calling on the Corinthians to assist them on the

ground of their common origin. The Corinthians voted at once to aid

them heart and soul themselves, and then sent on envoys with them to

Lacedaemon, to help them to persuade her also to prosecute the war

with the Athenians more openly at home and to send succours to Sicily.

The envoys from Corinth having reached Lacedaemon found there

Alcibiades with his fellow refugees, who had at once crossed over in a

trading vessel from Thurii, first to Cyllene in Elis, and afterwards

from thence to Lacedaemon; upon the Lacedaemonians' own invitation,

after first obtaining a safe conduct, as he feared them for the part

he had taken in the affair of Mantinea. The result was that the

Corinthians, Syracusans, and Alcibiades, pressing all the same request

in the assembly of the Lacedaemonians, succeeded in persuading them;

but as the ephors and the authorities, although resolved to send

envoys to Syracuse to prevent their surrendering to the Athenians,

showed no disposition to send them any assistance, Alcibiades now came

forward and inflamed and stirred the Lacedaemonians by speaking as


  "I am forced first to speak to you of the prejudice with which I

am regarded, in order that suspicion may not make you disinclined to

listen to me upon public matters. The connection, with you as your

proxeni, which the ancestors of our family by reason of some

discontent renounced, I personally tried to renew by my good offices

towards you, in particular upon the occasion of the disaster at Pylos.

But although I maintained this friendly attitude, you yet chose to

negotiate the peace with the Athenians through my enemies, and thus to

strengthen them and to discredit me. You had therefore no right to

complain if I turned to the Mantineans and Argives, and seized other

occasions of thwarting and injuring you; and the time has now come

when those among you, who in the bitterness of the moment may have

been then unfairly angry with me, should look at the matter in its

true light, and take a different view. Those again who judged me

unfavourably, because I leaned rather to the side of the commons, must

not think that their dislike is any better founded. We have always

been hostile to tyrants, and all who oppose arbitrary power are called

commons; hence we continued to act as leaders of the multitude;

besides which, as democracy was the government of the city, it was

necessary in most things to conform to established conditions.

However, we endeavoured to be more moderate than the licentious temper

of the times; and while there were others, formerly as now, who

tried to lead the multitude astray- the same who banished me- our

party was that of the whole people, our creed being to do our part

in preserving the form of government under which the city enjoyed

the utmost greatness and freedom, and which we had found existing.

As for democracy, the men of sense among us knew what it was, and I

perhaps as well as any, as I have the more cause to complain of it;

but there is nothing new to be said of a patent absurdity; meanwhile

we did not think it safe to alter it under the pressure of your


  "So much then for the prejudices with which I am regarded: I now can

call your attention to the questions you must consider, and upon which

superior knowledge perhaps permits me to speak. We sailed to Sicily

first to conquer, if possible, the Siceliots, and after them the

Italiots also, and finally to assail the empire and city of

Carthage. In the event of all or most of these schemes succeeding,

we were then to attack Peloponnese, bringing with us the entire

force of the Hellenes lately acquired in those parts, and taking a

number of barbarians into our pay, such as the Iberians and others

in those countries, confessedly the most warlike known, and building

numerous galleys in addition to those which we had already, timber

being plentiful in Italy; and with this fleet blockading Peloponnese

from the sea and assailing it with our armies by land, taking some

of the cities by storm, drawing works of circumvallation round others,

we hoped without difficulty to effect its reduction, and after this to

rule the whole of the Hellenic name. Money and corn meanwhile for

the better execution of these plans were to be supplied in

sufficient quantities by the newly acquired places in those countries,

independently of our revenues here at home.

  "You have thus heard the history of the present expedition from

the man who most exactly knows what our objects were; and the

remaining generals will, if they can, carry these out just the same.

But that the states in Sicily must succumb if you do not help them,

I will now show. Although the Siceliots, with all their

inexperience, might even now be saved if their forces were united, the

Syracusans alone, beaten already in one battle with all their people

and blockaded from the sea, will be unable to withstand the Athenian

armament that is now there. But if Syracuse falls, all Sicily falls

also, and Italy immediately afterwards; and the danger which I just

now spoke of from that quarter will before long be upon you. None need

therefore fancy that Sicily only is in question; Peloponnese will be

so also, unless you speedily do as I tell you, and send on board

ship to Syracuse troops that shall able to row their ships themselves,

and serve as heavy infantry the moment that they land; and what I

consider even more important than the troops, a Spartan as

commanding officer to discipline the forces already on foot and to

compel recusants to serve. The friends that you have already will thus

become more confident, and the waverers will be encouraged to join

you. Meanwhile you must carry on the war here more openly, that the

Syracusans, seeing that you do not forget them, may put heart into

their resistance, and that the Athenians may be less able to reinforce

their armament. You must fortify Decelea in Attica, the blow of

which the Athenians are always most afraid and the only one that

they think they have not experienced in the present war; the surest

method of harming an enemy being to find out what he most fears, and

to choose this means of attacking him, since every one naturally knows

best his own weak points and fears accordingly. The fortification in

question, while it benefits you, will create difficulties for your

adversaries, of which I shall pass over many, and shall only mention

the chief. Whatever property there is in the country will most of it

become yours, either by capture or surrender; and the Athenians will

at once be deprived of their revenues from the silver mines at

Laurium, of their present gains from their land and from the law

courts, and above all of the revenue from their allies, which will

be paid less regularly, as they lose their awe of Athens and see you

addressing yourselves with vigour to the war. The zeal and speed

with which all this shall be done depends, Lacedaemonians, upon

yourselves; as to its possibility, I am quite confident, and I have

little fear of being mistaken.

  "Meanwhile I hope that none of you will think any the worse of me

if, after having hitherto passed as a lover of my country, I now

actively join its worst enemies in attacking it, or will suspect

what I say as the fruit of an outlaw's enthusiasm. I am an outlaw from

the iniquity of those who drove me forth, not, if you will be guided

by me, from your service; my worst enemies are not you who only harmed

your foes, but they who forced their friends to become enemies; and

love of country is what I do not feel when I am wronged, but what I

felt when secure in my rights as a citizen. Indeed I do not consider

that I am now attacking a country that is still mine; I am rather

trying to recover one that is mine no longer; and the true lover of

his country is not he who consents to lose it unjustly rather than

attack it, but he who longs for it so much that he will go all lengths

to recover it. For myself, therefore, Lacedaemonians, I beg you to use

me without scruple for danger and trouble of every kind, and to

remember the argument in every one's mouth, that if I did you great

harm as an enemy, I could likewise do you good service as a friend,

inasmuch as I know the plans of the Athenians, while I only guessed

yours. For yourselves I entreat you to believe that your most

capital interests are now under deliberation; and I urge you to send

without hesitation the expeditions to Sicily and Attica; by the

presence of a small part of your forces you will save important cities

in that island, and you will destroy the power of Athens both

present and prospective; after this you will dwell in security and

enjoy the supremacy over all Hellas, resting not on force but upon

consent and affection."

  Such were the words of Alcibiades. The Lacedaemonians, who had

themselves before intended to march against Athens, but were still

waiting and looking about them, at once became much more in earnest

when they received this particular information from Alcibiades, and

considered that they had heard it from the man who best knew the truth

of the matter. Accordingly they now turned their attention to the

fortifying of Decelea and sending immediate aid to the Sicilians;

and naming Gylippus, son of Cleandridas, to the command of the

Syracusans, bade him consult with that people and with the Corinthians

and arrange for succours reaching the island, in the best and

speediest way possible under the circumstances. Gylippus desired the

Corinthians to send him at once two ships to Asine, and to prepare the

rest that they intended to send, and to have them ready to sail at the

proper time. Having settled this, the envoys departed from Lacedaemon.

  In the meantime arrived the Athenian galley from Sicily sent by

the generals for money and cavalry; and the Athenians, after hearing

what they wanted, voted to send the supplies for the armament and

the cavalry. And the winter ended, and with it ended the seventeenth

year of the present war of which Thucydides is the historian.

  The next summer, at the very beginning of the season, the

Athenians in Sicily put out from Catana, and sailed along shore to

Megara in Sicily, from which, as I have mentioned above, the

Syracusans expelled the inhabitants in the time of their tyrant

Gelo, themselves occupying the territory. Here the Athenians landed

and laid waste the country, and after an unsuccessful attack upon a

fort of the Syracusans, went on with the fleet and army to the river

Terias, and advancing inland laid waste the plain and set fire to

the corn; and after killing some of a small Syracusan party which they

encountered, and setting up a trophy, went back again to their

ships. They now sailed to Catana and took in provisions there, and

going with their whole force against Centoripa, a town of the

Sicels, acquired it by capitulation, and departed, after also

burning the corn of the Inessaeans and Hybleans. Upon their return

to Catana they found the horsemen arrived from Athens, to the number

of two hundred and fifty (with their equipments, but without their

horses which were to be procured upon the spot), and thirty mounted

archers and three hundred talents of silver.

  The same spring the Lacedaemonians marched against Argos, and went

as far as Cleonae, when an earthquake occurred and caused them to

return. After this the Argives invaded the Thyreatid, which is on

their border, and took much booty from the Lacedaemonians, which was

sold for no less than twenty-five talents. The same summer, not long

after, the Thespian commons made an attack upon the party in office,

which was not successful, but succours arrived from Thebes, and some

were caught, while others took refuge at Athens.

  The same summer the Syracusans learned that the Athenians had been

joined by their cavalry, and were on the point of marching against

them; and seeing that without becoming masters of Epipolae, a

precipitous spot situated exactly over the town, the Athenians could

not, even if victorious in battle, easily invest them, they determined

to guard its approaches, in order that the enemy might not ascend

unobserved by this, the sole way by which ascent was possible, as

the remainder is lofty ground, and falls right down to the city, and

can all be seen from inside; and as it lies above the rest the place

is called by the Syracusans Epipolae or Overtown. They accordingly

went out in mass at daybreak into the meadow along the river Anapus,

their new generals, Hermocrates and his colleagues, having just come

into office, and held a review of their heavy infantry, from whom they

first selected a picked body of six hundred, under the command of

Diomilus, an exile from Andros, to guard Epipolae, and to be ready

to muster at a moment's notice to help wherever help should be


  Meanwhile the Athenians, the very same morning, were holding a

review, having already made land unobserved with all the armament from

Catana, opposite a place called Leon, not much more than half a mile

from Epipolae, where they disembarked their army, bringing the fleet

to anchor at Thapsus, a peninsula running out into the sea, with a

narrow isthmus, and not far from the city of Syracuse either by land

or water. While the naval force of the Athenians threw a stockade

across the isthmus and remained quiet at Thapsus, the land army

immediately went on at a run to Epipolae, and succeeded in getting

up by Euryelus before the Syracusans perceived them, or could come

up from the meadow and the review. Diomilus with his six hundred and

the rest advanced as quickly as they could, but they had nearly

three miles to go from the meadow before reaching them. Attacking in

this way in considerable disorder, the Syracusans were defeated in

battle at Epipolae and retired to the town, with a loss of about three

hundred killed, and Diomilus among the number. After this the

Athenians set up a trophy and restored to the Syracusans their dead

under truce, and next day descended to Syracuse itself; and no one

coming out to meet them, reascended and built a fort at Labdalum, upon

the edge of the cliffs of Epipolae, looking towards Megara, to serve

as a magazine for their baggage and money, whenever they advanced to

battle or to work at the lines.

  Not long afterwards three hundred cavalry came to them from

Egesta, and about a hundred from the Sicels, Naxians, and others;

and thus, with the two hundred and fifty from Athens, for whom they

had got horses from the Egestaeans and Catanians, besides others

that they bought, they now mustered six hundred and fifty cavalry in

all. After posting a garrison in Labdalum, they advanced to Syca,

where they sat down and quickly built the Circle or centre of their

wall of circumvallation. The Syracusans, appalled at the rapidity with

which the work advanced, determined to go out against them and give

battle and interrupt it; and the two armies were already in battle

array, when the Syracusan generals observed that their troops found

such difficulty in getting into line, and were in such disorder,

that they led them back into the town, except part of the cavalry.

These remained and hindered the Athenians from carrying stones or

dispersing to any great distance, until a tribe of the Athenian

heavy infantry, with all the cavalry, charged and routed the Syracusan

horse with some loss; after which they set up a trophy for the cavalry


  The next day the Athenians began building the wall to the north of

the Circle, at the same time collecting stone and timber, which they

kept laying down towards Trogilus along the shortest line for their

works from the great harbour to the sea; while the Syracusans,

guided by their generals, and above all by Hermocrates, instead of

risking any more general engagements, determined to build a

counterwork in the direction in which the Athenians were going to

carry their wall. If this could be completed in time, the enemy's

lines would be cut; and meanwhile, if he were to attempt to

interrupt them by an attack, they would send a part of their forces

against him, and would secure the approaches beforehand with their

stockade, while the Athenians would have to leave off working with

their whole force in order to attend to them. They accordingly sallied

forth and began to build, starting from their city, running a cross

wall below the Athenian Circle, cutting down the olives and erecting

wooden towers. As the Athenian fleet had not yet sailed round into the

great harbour, the Syracusans still commanded the seacoast, and the

Athenians brought their provisions by land from Thapsus.

  The Syracusans now thought the stockades and stonework of their

counterwall sufficiently far advanced; and as the Athenians, afraid of

being divided and so fighting at a disadvantage, and intent upon their

own wall, did not come out to interrupt them, they left one tribe to

guard the new work and went back into the city. Meanwhile the

Athenians destroyed their pipes of drinking-water carried

underground into the city; and watching until the rest of the

Syracusans were in their tents at midday, and some even gone away into

the city, and those in the stockade keeping but indifferent guard,

appointed three hundred picked men of their own, and some men picked

from the light troops and armed for the purpose, to run suddenly as

fast as they could to the counterwork, while the rest of the army

advanced in two divisions, the one with one of the generals to the

city in case of a sortie, the other with the other general to the

stockade by the postern gate. The three hundred attacked and took

the stockade, abandoned by its garrison, who took refuge in the

outworks round the statue of Apollo Temenites. Here the pursuers burst

in with them, and after getting in were beaten out by the

Syracusans, and some few of the Argives and Athenians slain; after

which the whole army retired, and having demolished the counterwork

and pulled up the stockade, carried away the stakes to their own

lines, and set up a trophy.

  The next day the Athenians from the Circle proceeded to fortify

the cliff above the marsh which on this side of Epipolae looks towards

the great harbour; this being also the shortest line for their work to

go down across the plain and the marsh to the harbour. Meanwhile the

Syracusans marched out and began a second stockade, starting from

the city, across the middle of the marsh, digging a trench alongside

to make it impossible for the Athenians to carry their wall down to

the sea. As soon as the Athenians had finished their work at the cliff

they again attacked the stockade and ditch of the Syracusans. Ordering

the fleet to sail round from Thapsus into the great harbour of

Syracuse, they descended at about dawn from Epipolae into the plain,

and laying doors and planks over the marsh, where it was muddy and

firmest, crossed over on these, and by daybreak took the ditch and the

stockade, except a small portion which they captured afterwards. A

battle now ensued, in which the Athenians were victorious, the right

wing of the Syracusans flying to the town and the left to the river.

The three hundred picked Athenians, wishing to cut off their

passage, pressed on at a run to the bridge, when the alarmed

Syracusans, who had with them most of their cavalry, closed and routed

them, hurling them back upon the Athenian right wing, the first

tribe of which was thrown into a panic by the shock. Seeing this,

Lamachus came to their aid from the Athenian left with a few archers

and with the Argives, and crossing a ditch, was left alone with a

few that had crossed with him, and was killed with five or six of

his men. These the Syracusans managed immediately to snatch up in

haste and get across the river into a place of security, themselves

retreating as the rest of the Athenian army now came up.

  Meanwhile those who had at first fled for refuge to the city, seeing

the turn affairs were taking, now rallied from the town and formed

against the Athenians in front of them, sending also a part of their

number to the Circle on Epipolae, which they hoped to take while

denuded of its defenders. These took and destroyed the Athenian

outwork of a thousand feet, the Circle itself being saved by Nicias,

who happened to have been left in it through illness, and who now

ordered the servants to set fire to the engines and timber thrown down

before the wall; want of men, as he was aware, rendering all other

means of escape impossible. This step was justified by the result, the

Syracusans not coming any further on account of the fire, but

retreating. Meanwhile succours were coming up from the Athenians

below, who had put to flight the troops opposed to them; and the fleet

also, according to orders, was sailing from Thapsus into the great

harbour. Seeing this, the troops on the heights retired in haste,

and the whole army of the Syracusans re-entered the city, thinking

that with their present force they would no longer be able to hinder

the wall reaching the sea.

  After this the Athenians set up a trophy and restored to the

Syracusans their dead under truce, receiving in return Lamachus and

those who had fallen with him. The whole of their forces, naval and

military, being now with them, they began from Epipolae and the cliffs

and enclosed the Syracusans with a double wall down to the sea.

Provisions were now brought in for the armament from all parts of

Italy; and many of the Sicels, who had hitherto been looking to see

how things went, came as allies to the Athenians: there also arrived

three ships of fifty oars from Tyrrhenia. Meanwhile everything else

progressed favourably for their hopes. The Syracusans began to despair

of finding safety in arms, no relief having reached them from

Peloponnese, and were now proposing terms of capitulation among

themselves and to Nicias, who after the death of Lamachus was left

sole commander. No decision was come to, but, as was natural with

men in difficulties and besieged more straitly than before, there

was much discussion with Nicias and still more in the town. Their

present misfortunes had also made them suspicious of one another;

and the blame of their disasters was thrown upon the ill-fortune or

treachery of the generals under whose command they had happened; and

these were deposed and others, Heraclides, Eucles, and Tellias,

elected in their stead.

  Meanwhile the Lacedaemonian, Gylippus, and the ships from Corinth

were now off Leucas, intent upon going with all haste to the relief of

Sicily. The reports that reached them being of an alarming kind, and

all agreeing in the falsehood that Syracuse was already completely

invested, Gylippus abandoned all hope of Sicily, and wishing to save

Italy, rapidly crossed the Ionian Sea to Tarentum with the Corinthian,

Pythen, two Laconian, and two Corinthian vessels, leaving the

Corinthians to follow him after manning, in addition to their own ten,

two Leucadian and two Ambraciot ships. From Tarentum Gylippus first

went on an embassy to Thurii, and claimed anew the rights of

citizenship which his father had enjoyed; failing to bring over the

townspeople, he weighed anchor and coasted along Italy. Opposite the

Terinaean Gulf he was caught by the wind which blows violently and

steadily from the north in that quarter, and was carried out to sea;

and after experiencing very rough weather, remade Tarentum, where he

hauled ashore and refitted such of his ships as had suffered most from

the tempest. Nicias heard of his approach, but, like the Thurians,

despised the scanty number of his ships, and set down piracy as the

only probable object of the voyage, and so took no precautions for the


  About the same time in this summer, the Lacedaemonians invaded Argos

with their allies, and laid waste most of the country. The Athenians

went with thirty ships to the relief of the Argives, thus breaking

their treaty with the Lacedaemonians in the most overt manner. Up to

this time incursions from Pylos, descents on the coast of the rest

of Peloponnese, instead of on the Laconian, had been the extent of

their co-operation with the Argives and Mantineans; and although the

Argives had often begged them to land, if only for a moment, with

their heavy infantry in Laconia, lay waste ever so little of it with

them, and depart, they had always refused to do so. Now, however,

under the command of Phytodorus, Laespodius, and Demaratus, they

landed at Epidaurus Limera, Prasiae, and other places, and plundered

the country; and thus furnished the Lacedaemonians with a better

pretext for hostilities against Athens. After the Athenians had

retired from Argos with their fleet, and the Lacedaemonians also,

the Argives made an incursion into the Phlisaid, and returned home

after ravaging their land and killing some of the inhabitants.